How to Split a String into a List

How do I split a string into a list of words?

Given a string sentence, this stores each word in a list called words:

words = sentence.split()

How to split strings inside a list by whitespace characters

You can use simple list comprehension, like:

newlist = [word for line in mylist for word in line.split()]

This generates:

>>> [word for line in mylist for word in line.split()]
['this', 'is', 'a', 'string', 'of', 'text', 'this', 'is', 'a', 'different', 'string', 'of', 'text', 'and', 'for', 'good', 'measure', 'here', 'is', 'another', 'one']

How to split a list by string

You're looking for list operations, not for string operations. We just need to find the position where the separator string appears, and take a slice starting from the next element, like this:

lst = ['This is a list', 'of strings', 'blahblahblah', 'split_here', 'something else', 'we like cake', 'aardvarks']
new_list = lst[lst.index('split_here')+1:]

The above assumes that the separator string is present in the list, otherwise we'll get a ValueError. The result is as expected:

=> ['something else', 'we like cake', 'aardvarks']

How to split a string into a list in Python?

The str.split() function will help here.

nums = '128,120,119,118,119,118,120,116,116,120,128,121'
num_list = nums.split(',')

The argument is how what character you want to split by.

PS. If you want to split by multiple characters, say in a string where the elements are separated by a comma and a space, like so nums = '128, 120, 119, 118, 119, 118, 120, 116, 116, 120, 128, 121', you can use nums.split(', ').

Splitting a string into a List of string array in C#

If you really want a List of string-Arrays, just omit the "ToDictionary" line.

var result = str.Split(',')
.Select(line => line.Split('='))

will give you a List of Arrays, with each Array [0] holding the "Key", and [1] holding the "Value"

ad PS: To get the first "OU" value, you can use a regular expression:

var firstOuRegex = new Regex("[oO][uU]=([^,]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
var testString = "CN=Test,OU=ABC,OU=Company,DC=CFLA,DC=domain";

var result = firstOuRegex.Match(testString).Groups[1];

Split string into a list, with items of equal length in python 3

split_string_list = [string[x:x+4] for x in range(0,len(string),4)]

Try that

Basically what it is a list generated such that it starts with elements 0-4, then 4-8, etc. which is exactly what you want, typecasted into a string

Split string into a list on whitespace, excluding single spaces when the next character is not a dash

A less haphazard approach would be to interpret the headers on the first line as column indicators, and split on those widths.

import sys
import re

def col_widths(s):
# Shamelessly adapted from
cols = re.findall(r'\S+\s+', s)
return [len(col) for col in cols]

widths = col_widths(next(sys.stdin))

for line in sys.stdin:
line = line.rstrip('\n')
fields = []
for col_max in widths[:-1]:
line = line[col_max:]


This seems to provide a better interpretation of e,g. the LDate column, where the dates are sometimes padded with more than one space. The penultimate column preserves the final dash as part of the column value; this seems more consistent with the apparent intent of the author of the original table, though perhaps separately split that off from that specific column if that's not to your liking.

If you don't want to read sys.stdin, just wrap this in with open(filename) as handle: and replace sys.stdin with handle everywhere.

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