How to Run Spyder in Virtual Environment

How to run Spyder in virtual environment?

There is an option to create virtual environments in Anaconda with required Python version.

conda create -n myenv python=3.4

To activate it :

source activate myenv   # (in linux, you can use . as a shortcut for "source")
activate myenv # (in windows - note that you should be in your c:\anaconda2 directory)

UPDATE. I have tested it with Ubuntu 18.04. Now you have to install spyder additionally for the new environment with this command (after the activation of the environment with the command above):

conda install spyder

(I have also tested the installation with pip, but for Python 3.4 or older versions, it breaks with the library dependencies error that requires manual installation.)

And now to run Spyder with Python 3.4 just type:


Spyder with Python 3.4

EDIT from a reader:

For a normal opening, use "Anaconda Prompt" > activate myenv > spyder (then the "Anaconda Prompt" must stay open, you cannot use it for other commands, and a force-close will shut down Spyder). This is of course faster than the long load of "Anaconda Navigator" > switch environment > launch Spyder (@adelriosantiago's answer).

What is the easiest way to run Spyder in virtual environments?

Although you are on windows - in bash you might do something like that

source /path/to/venv/bin/python && /path/to/venv/bin/spyder

For windows it looks like that:

call path\to\venv\Scripts\activate & call path\to\venv\Scripts\spyder

How can I successfully create an environment on Spyder (setting Python3.10 as Python interpreter)

Python has a concept called virtual environments, wherein you can sandbox your packages to keep them isolated from the global packages and from those in other virtual environments. The user in the picture is using a virtual environment, which gives you the activate.bat file to switch into the virtual environment.

Virtual environments are definitely a preferred way of doing things, but since you're using a standalone setup, it's probably okay to load the package into the global packages and avoid the virtual environments altogether, especially since you may be using Spyder with different projects. To do this, just type python -m pip install spyder-kernels>=2.3 (which is pip's way of saying that you want a version greater than or equal to 2.3). If running python doesn't work on the command line, you will need to add your python directory to your path. You can also add the Scripts subdirectory to the path if you want to run pip install spyder-kernels>=2.3 directly.

Spyder does not run in Anaconda virtual environment on Windows 10

When you type spyder, the search for this command begins in the paths that the conda environment created. If it cannot find it there, it will go and search at other places. In your case in the paths of the default Anaconda install. So after you activate your environment:

activate myenv

you need to install sypder inside this environment:

(myenv) conda install spyder   

where (myenv) indicates the active environment.

virtualenv IPython in Spyder not working

After you correctly enter the path to the Python interpreter in your virtualenv (i.e. /home/mike/envs/sci/bin/python, not /home/mike/envs/sci/bin/ipython), you just need to go to the menu

Consoles > Open an IPython console

and, as long as you have IPython and PyQt/PySide installed in your virtualenv, an IPython console will be opened for you using the IPython version of your virtualenv.

How to ensure that Spyder runs within a conda environment?

I issued the command where spyder within the active environment to check the locations of Spyder's executables. This returned


So I started Spyder by typing the full path of the second entry, and my program ran without errors.

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