How to Reversibly Store and Load a Pandas Dataframe To/From Disk

How to reversibly store and load a Pandas dataframe to/from disk

The easiest way is to pickle it using to_pickle:

df.to_pickle(file_name)  # where to save it, usually as a .pkl

Then you can load it back using:

df = pd.read_pickle(file_name)

Note: before 0.11.1 save and load were the only way to do this (they are now deprecated in favor of to_pickle and read_pickle respectively).

Another popular choice is to use HDF5 (pytables) which offers very fast access times for large datasets:

import pandas as pd
store = pd.HDFStore('store.h5')

store['df'] = df # save it
store['df'] # load it

More advanced strategies are discussed in the cookbook.

Since 0.13 there's also msgpack which may be be better for interoperability, as a faster alternative to JSON, or if you have python object/text-heavy data (see this question).

Is there a way to store output dataframes and appending them to the last output in the same dataframe

The issue is resolved by first creating an empty data frame and then appending the outputs in the dataframe within the loop.

The updated code is as follows:

column_names = ["parcel_foreign_id_x", "s1product_end_time", "s1product_ron","cohvh_avg", "cohvv_avg", "vhvv_avg","parcel_foreign_id_y", "s2product_start_time", "s2product_ron", "ndvi_avg" ]

df = pd.DataFrame(columns = column_names)


while (foreign <=50):

s1_time_series_url_p6 = ''
s2_time_series_url_p6 = ''
position = 101
s1_time_series_url_p6 = s1_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s1_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
s2_time_series_url_p6 = s2_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s2_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
r_s1_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s1_time_series_url_p6)
r_s2_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s2_time_series_url_p6)
json_s1_time_series_p6 = r_s1_time_series_p6.json()
json_s2_time_series_p6 = r_s2_time_series_p6.json()
df_s1_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s1_time_series_p6['s1_time_series'])
df_s2_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s2_time_series_p6['s2_time_series'])
dfinal_p6 = df_s1_time_series_p6.merge(df_s2_time_series_p6, how='inner', left_on='s1product_end_time', right_on='s2product_start_time')
cols_p6 = ['parcel_foreign_id_x', 's1product_ron','parcel_foreign_id_y','s2product_ron']
dfinal_p6[cols_p6] = dfinal_p6[cols_p6].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce', axis=1)
df = pd.concat([dfinal_p6,df],ignore_index = True)
foreign = foreign+1

How to store `pandas.DataFrame` in a PANDAS-LOADABLE binary format other than `pickle`

I would guess that your data frame is too big. Pickle has some limits. You are much better off either saving in a database or using to_hdf (or lots of other IO routines, to_msgpack might works as well).

Storing the results from a function into a retrievable DataFrame in Python

I'm not familiar enough with computer science terminology to thoroughly explain this to you, but basically, when you call a function that has a return value, that value must be saved as a variable.

df only exists in your function. (I think that's called scope). When you leave the function, df is gone

You're doing

get_intraday_data(symbol, 301,10)

So, after that function is run, the returned variable is gone

instead, do the following:

df = get_intraday_data(symbol, 301,10)

then you can do stuff with it

Alternatively, instead of returning the df, you can pickle it. In your "get_intraday_symbol"

fname = 'file1.P'
return fname

Then, subsequent code has to read the pickled dataframe

fname = get_intraday_data(symbol, 301,10)
df = pd.read_pickle(fname)

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