How to Print Bold Text in Python

how to print bold font when using f-string?

It is the same as the regular string
Try this:

name = 'Yacoub'
age = 23
print(f"This is \033[1mbold\033[0m and my name is \033[1m{name}\033[0m\nI am \033[1m{age}\033[0m years old")


This is bold and my name is Yacoub

I am 23 years old

How can I make text bold in Python?

You might want to try ANSI escape sequences if your platform allows it.

Crossposting from related - and possible duplicate - SO questions: 1 2

Before you proceed, please read the warnings in the above links to make sure your operating system and Python version will allow you to properly render this.

You can define a class containing all of the ANSI escape sequences you need.

class style:
BOLD = '\033[1m'
END = '\033[0m'

Then print them via concatenated class calls:

print style.BOLD + 'This is my text string.' + style.END

If you don't want to go through the hassle of creating an entire class just to get bold text, you can obviously concatenate them directly instead. However, if your code is open-source and not for personal use, make sure you tell other potential readers what this does!

print '\033[1m' + 'This is my text string.' + '\033[0m'

Does this answer your question?

Edit: JYelton beat me to it. I'm such a slow typer...

How to print bold text in python with ```format```?

The same ANSI escape sequences work just fine.


How to make bold text in python query?

The issue is caused by the way you pass the parse_mode.

In your url there is:


But that should be


After changing that, it works as expected with the following url/code/output:<TOKEN>/sendPhoto?chat_id=<CHAT-ID>&parse_mode=MarkdownV2&photo=*Foo*Bar
import requests

caption='Example text'
telegram_msg = requests.get(f'{token}/sendPhoto?chat_id={chatID}&parse_mode=MarkdownV2&photo={link}&caption=*{caption}*')

Note: Make sure you're using Python 3.6 or above to use f strings:

How do I put a variable’s value inside a string?

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