How to Print a Dictionary Line by Line in Python

How to print a dictionary line by line in Python?

for x in cars:
print (x)
for y in cars[x]:
print (y,':',cars[x][y])


color : 2
speed : 70
color : 3
speed : 60

How do I print the key-value pairs of a dictionary in python

Python 2 and Python 3

i is the key, so you would just need to use it:

for i in d:
print i, d[i]

Python 3

d.items() returns the iterator; to get a list, you need to pass the iterator to list() yourself.

for k, v in d.items():
print(k, v)

Python 2

You can get an iterator that contains both keys and values. d.items() returns a list of (key, value) tuples, while d.iteritems() returns an iterator that provides the same:

for k, v in d.iteritems():
print k, v

How to print dict in separate line?

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(sums)
{'air': 2,
'and': 1,
'at': 3,
'be': 1,
'body': 1,
....., # and so on...
'you': 2}

how to make each key-value of a dictionary print on a new line?

If you really don't want to import pprint but want it to "look like" a dictionary, you could do:

print("{" + "\n".join("{!r}: {!r},".format(k, v) for k, v in d.items()) + "}")

python: print multiple dictionaries and strings line by line

Try this,

import json
print( 'Names and counts',
'Last names and counts',
json.dumps(df['last names'].value_counts()[:3].to_dict(),indent=2),
'Staff names and counts',
'Staff last names and counts',
json.dumps(df['staff last names'].value_counts()[:3].to_dict(),indent=2)

Change indent parameter to a higher number for better formatting..

Note: Tested by Creator and working fine.

Printing elements of dictionary line by line

If you are trying to print the key values out of a dictionary in the same order as they appear in the file using a standard dict that won't work (python dict objects don't maintain order). Assuming you want to print by the value of the dicts values...

lines = ["the 1", "and 2"]
d = {}

for l in lines:
k, v = l.split()
d[k] = v

for key in sorted(d, key=d.get, reverse=True):
print ":".join([key, d[key]])

assuming you can use lambda and string concatenation.

lines = ["the 1", "and 2"]
d = {}

for l in lines:
k, v = l.split()
d[k] = v

for key in sorted(d, key=lambda k: d[k], reverse=True):
print key + ":" + d[key]

with out lambda

for value, key in sorted([(d[k], k) for k in d], reverse=True):
print key + ":" + value

to make a function out of it

def lines_to_dict(lines):
return_dict = {}
for line in lines:
key, value = line.split()
return_dict[key] = value

return return_dict

if __name__ == "__main__":

lines = ["the 1", "and 2"]
print lines_to_dict(lines)

How to pretty print nested dictionaries?

I'm not sure how exactly you want the formatting to look like, but you could start with a function like this:

def pretty(d, indent=0):
for key, value in d.items():
print('\t' * indent + str(key))
if isinstance(value, dict):
pretty(value, indent+1)
print('\t' * (indent+1) + str(value))

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