How to Install a Python Package from Within Ipython

How to install a Python package from within IPython?

The best way to do this in modern ipython or jupyter is to use the %pip magic:

%pip install my_package

ipython install new modules

actually there is a much much much more elegant solution. when pip is installed then within python you can do things like this as well:

import pip

def install(package):
pip.main(['install', package])


which is easier. once logged into a virtualenv you can just make sure that you have what you need in the session you are in. easy.


Another alternative would be to use the %%bash magic.

pip install requests


If you want the standard output, one could even use the exclamation bang.

! pip install requests


From within ipython this is the safest installation method.

%pip install requests

This ensures that everything is installed in the virtualenv that your ipython is installed in.

Install conda package inside IPython

There is a good post found here :

It talks about issues using conda within notebooks and suggests

import sys
!conda install --yes --prefix {sys.prefix} <package>

It will go into further detail down the blog post to explain why it gets messy due to system path variables if you really want to get into it.

Install new package from inside ipython Notebook

Yes you can

Use the following syntax:

!pip install packagename

Reference thread

Easy install python modules for Jupyter notebooks?

Within Jupyter notebooks you can execute command line methods using ! at the start of the line e.g.

! conda install pandas --yes

More detail on the inner working is discussed in this question:
Running interactive command line code from Jupyter notebook

Thanks to @PaulH for pointing out the need to add the --yes flag.

How to install module in Jupyter Notebooks for iPython

Run ! pip install <package> within the jupyter notebook.

The ! tells the notebook to run the command in bash, just make sure the pip you are using is the same interpreter the notebook is using

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