How to Disable Log Messages from the Requests Library

How do I disable log messages from the Requests library?

I found out how to configure requests's logging level, it's done via the standard logging module. I decided to configure it to not log messages unless they are at least warnings:

import logging


If you wish to apply this setting for the urllib3 library (typically used by requests) too, add the following:


Unable to disable logging from python's request library

You can change setLevel to critical like this logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) or you can use requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(). See this: How do I disable log messages from the Requests library?. A question like this is alreasy asked.

How can I completely remove any logging from requests module in Python

First of all, requests doesn't log anything; only the urllib3 library that requests depends on does. That library only logs messages at INFO and DEBUG levels, so setting the log level to logging.CRITICAL disables all messages already:

urllib3_log = logging.getLogger("urllib3")

You could also just disable propagation:

logging.getLogger("urllib3").propagate = False

That's enough to completely disable all logging that the urllib3 library does.

The urllib3 project has installed a NullHandler() handler object on the project root logger, which ensures that the lastResort handler is not used for unhandled messages, even when propagation has been disabled.

That said, if you don't trust that future versions of requests won't use sys.maxint as a log level, and at the same time neglect to set a NullHandler(), then by all means add your own NullHandler() on the project root logger object, and then disable propagation there:

import logging

requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests")
requests_log.propagate = False

Now all logging within the requests hierarchy will be directed to the NullHandler() instance, and with propagate set to False logging stops there. You can use this to silence any logger in the hierarchy.

In my opinion, that's overkill, no requests release made so far uses logging, and the project is staffed with capable developers that are unlikely to misconfigure the logging setup if they ever did add logging.

How to disable log messages from the Requests library in Django

The correct solution was what I had thought it was, just adding it to the LOGGING setting in `'

    'requests': {
# The requests library is too verbose in it's logging, reducing the verbosity in our logs.
'level': 'WARNING',

Python Logging - Disable logging from imported modules

The problem is that calling getLogger without arguments returns the root logger so when you set the level to logging.DEBUG you are also setting the level for other modules that use that logger.

You can solve this by simply not using the root logger. To do this just pass a name as argument, for example the name of your module:

logger = logging.getLogger('my_module_name')
# as before

this will create a new logger and thus it wont inadvertently change logging level for other modules.

Obviously you have to use logger.debug instead of logging.debug since the latter is a convenience function that calls the debug method of the root logger.

This is mentioned in the Advanced Logging Tutorial. It also allows you to know which module triggered the log message in a simple way.

How to disable logging on the standard error stream?

I found a solution for this:

logger = logging.getLogger('my-logger')
logger.propagate = False
# now if you use logger it will not log to console.

This will prevent logging from being send to the upper logger that includes the console logging.

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