How to Check If a Float Value Is a Whole Number

How to check if a float value is a whole number

To check if a float value is a whole number, use the float.is_integer() method:

>>> (1.0).is_integer()
>>> (1.555).is_integer()

The method was added to the float type in Python 2.6.

Take into account that in Python 2, 1/3 is 0 (floor division for integer operands!), and that floating point arithmetic can be imprecise (a float is an approximation using binary fractions, not a precise real number). But adjusting your loop a little this gives:

>>> for n in range(12000, -1, -1):
... if (n ** (1.0/3)).is_integer():
... print n

which means that anything over 3 cubed, (including 10648) was missed out due to the aforementioned imprecision:

>>> (4**3) ** (1.0/3)
>>> 10648 ** (1.0/3)

You'd have to check for numbers close to the whole number instead, or not use float() to find your number. Like rounding down the cube root of 12000:

>>> int(12000 ** (1.0/3))
>>> 22 ** 3

If you are using Python 3.5 or newer, you can use the math.isclose() function to see if a floating point value is within a configurable margin:

>>> from math import isclose
>>> isclose((4**3) ** (1.0/3), 4)
>>> isclose(10648 ** (1.0/3), 22)

For older versions, the naive implementation of that function (skipping error checking and ignoring infinity and NaN) as mentioned in PEP485:

def isclose(a, b, rel_tol=1e-9, abs_tol=0.0):
return abs(a - b) <= max(rel_tol * max(abs(a), abs(b)), abs_tol)

How to detect if a number is a whole number or a float in C?

Compare answer to the return value of f.e. the floorf() function (header math.h) - floorf() since you dealing with a variable of type float - with answer passed as argument.

By doing so, you proof if answer contains an even decimal value.

For the output itself, Use a precision specifier (f.e. .0) which specifies the amount of digits in the fraction part and place it between the % and the f conversion specifier, For example %.0f.

The precision of .0 specifies that you want to display no fraction part.

// Checking if the answer is an increase or decrease

if ( answer > 0 ) {

if ( answer == floorf(answer) ) // If answer contains a decimal value.
printf("The answer has been decreased and the final value is: %.0f\n", answer);
printf("The answer has been decreased and the final value is: %.3f\n", answer);
else {

if ( answer == floorf(answer) ) // If answer contains a decimal value.
printf("The answer has been increased and the final value is: %.0f\n", answer * -1);
printf("The answer has been increased and the final value is: %.3f\n", answer * -1);

Side Notes:

  1. Note that floating-point often does not provide expected results:
    Is floating point math broken?
    So, it is possible that even this technique will not work at each and every use case.

  2. Always check the return value of input functions such as scanf() if an input error occurred.

  3. I used floorf(), but ceilf(), truncf() or roundf() could also be used to achieve the same effect.

  4. int main() is deprecated. Use int main(void) instead which declares a full prototype for main().

  5. Since answer will be negative when reaching the else body, printing answer * -1 will output a positive value, since - * - = +. Maybe this is not intended, so this just as a hint.

How to check if float is a whole number?

There isn't really a simple answer

Integral values do have exact representations in the float and double formats. So, if it's really already integral, you can use:

f == floor(f)

However, if your value is the result of a calculation which at one point involved any sort of non-zero fractional part, then you will need to be concerned that you may have something very close to an integer but which isn't really, exactly, to-the-last-bit the same. You probably want to consider that to be integral.

One way this might be done:

fabs(f - round(f)) < 0.000001

And while we are on the subject, for the purists, we should note that int i = f; or double i = f; will round according to the FPU mode whereas round(3) will round half-way cases away from zero.

How to test whether a float is a whole number in Go?

Assuming your numbers will fit into an int64, you can just compare the float value with a converted integer value to see if they're the same:

if a == float64(int64(a)) {
} else {
fmt.Println("you fail")

Otherwise you can use the math.Trunc function detailed here, with something like:

if a == math.Trunc(a) {
} else {
fmt.Println("you fail")

That one should work within the entire float64 domain.

Checking if float is an integer

Apart from the fine answers already given, you can also use ceilf(f) == f or floorf(f) == f. Both expressions return true if f is an integer. They also returnfalse for NaNs (NaNs always compare unequal) and true for ±infinity, and don't have the problem with overflowing the integer type used to hold the truncated result, because floorf()/ceilf() return floats.

How do I determine whether the value of a float is a whole number?

All float types have the same size, so your method won't work. You can check if a float is an integer by using ceilf

float num = 1.5; 
if (ceilf(num) == num)
printf ("INTEGER");

How do I tell if a float is a whole number?

if (height_input % 1).zero?


if height_input.to_i == height_input

Determining whether an value is a whole number in Python

if x % 3 == 0:
print 'x is divisible by 3'

Numpy: Check if float array contains whole numbers

From what I can tell, there is no such function that returns a boolean array indicating whether floats have a fractional part or not. The closest I can find is np.modf which returns the fractional and integer parts, but that creates two float arrays (at least temporarily), so it might not be best memory-wise.

If you're happy working in place, you can try something like:

>>> np.mod(x, 1, out=x)
>>> mask = (x == 0)

This should save memory versus using round or floor (where you have to keep x around), but of course you lose the original x.

The other option is to ask for it to be implemented in Numpy, or implement it yourself.

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