How to Change a Module Variable from Another Module

How to change a module variable from another module?

You are using from bar import a. a becomes a symbol in the global scope of the importing module (or whatever scope the import statement occurs in).

When you assign a new value to a, you are just changing which value a points too, not the actual value. Try to import directly with import bar in and conduct your experiment there by setting bar.a = 1. This way, you will actually be modifying bar.__dict__['a'] which is the 'real' value of a in this context.

It's a little convoluted with three layers but bar.a = 1 changes the value of a in the module called bar that is actually derived from It does not change the value of a that foobar sees because foobar lives in the actual file You could set if you wanted to change that.

This is one of the dangers of using the from foo import bar form of the import statement: it splits bar into two symbols, one visible globally from within foo which starts off pointing to the original value and a different symbol visible in the scope where the import statement is executed. Changing a where a symbol points doesn't change the value that it pointed too.

This sort of stuff is a killer when trying to reload a module from the interactive interpreter.

How to change variable value from another module in javascript

foo is a primitive. You can't change it's the value assigned to it in the other module when it's a primitive, you can only change the value foo has been assigned in scope of the current module.

You could always do it with functions however:

let foo = 'initial value';

export const getFoo = () => foo;
export const setFoo = (val) => (foo = val);
import { getFoo, setFoo } from 'someModule';

getFoo(); // initial value;

// call this when necessary
import { getFoo } from 'someModule';

// when called after `setFoo` has been called in the other module
getFoo(); // 'jim'

Python Changing module variables in another module

You should be able to do:

import foo
foo.arbit = 'new value'

Python: change global variable from within another file

All that from config import ADDRESS, change_address does is take ADDRESS and change_address from your config module's namespace and dumps it into your current module's name-space. Now, if you reassign the value of ADDRESS in config's namespace, it won't be seen by the current module - that's how name-spaces work. It is like doing the following:

>>> some_namespace = {'a':1}
>>> globals().update(some_namespace)
>>> a
>>> some_namespace
{'a': 1}
>>> some_namespace['a'] = 99
>>> a
>>> some_namespace
{'a': 99}

The simplest solution? Don't clobber name-spaces:

import config
print("new address " + config.ADDRESS)

Manipulate module variables from another module

When you create a separate process, the current global state is copied to the new process. Any changes you make afterward (like changing global variables) aren't going to be shared with the other process.

The multiprocessing package has tools to help share state between processes

In this case, you probably want to use a Manager to share these settings between the processes, rather than global variables.

from multiprocessing import Manager, Process

manager = Manager()
state = manager.dict()
state['pause'] = False
state['skip'] = False
state['quit'] = False

youtube_process = Process(target = youtube.Youtube, args=(query, state))

# Process will get this change.
state['quit'] = True

How to change the value of a module variable from within an object of another module?

Staring at your code for a bit, I think i know what might be throwing you off. The python script invoked as python will end up being a module (in sys.modules) called __main__. That means the bottom bit of your shows is loaded and compiled and run once, with __name__ == "__main__", which causes some things to happen. That module imports submodule, which has not been imported yet, so that gets loaded and run.

submodule in turn tries to import mainmodule. Although that file has been executed before, it's not known to the interpreter by that module name, so gets run again, this time with __name__ == "mainmodule" (which isn't the same as "__main__", so the if suite at the bottom is skipped).

That means you have two copies of container, one in the module who's name is __main__, and one in a module named mainmodule. The fact that both are from a file called ./ is not relevant.

There are a few ways to fix this. One is to always import the real immediately, as in:

import submodule
class Foo:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import mainmodule

Another option is to move the code inside the if to another file.

change the contents of a global variable from another module in Julia

A module can only change its own global variables, not those of other modules. There is a way, of course, to force a module to change its own global variables — by running toplevel code through eval.

julia> module A
x = 1
y = 2

julia> module B
using ..A
println("A.x = ", A.x) # can access
A.y = 3 # can't set
A.x = 1
ERROR: cannot assign variables in other modules

julia> A.y

julia> module C
using ..A
println("A.x = ", A.x) # can access
@eval(A, y = 3) # set y = 3, FROM module A
println("A.y = ", A.y) # value of y updated
A.x = 1
A.y = 3

julia> A.y

However, mutating global state — especially some other module's global state — is a code smell and should be avoided if at all possible.

ES6 - How to modify a variable in other modules

You cannot assign new values to exported variables, only the module itself can do that (and when it does, it can be pretty confusing, so I'd recommend to avoid this).

You can mutate exported objects though, e.g. G.translog.push(…) or G.translog.length = 0.

How to make a cross-module variable?

I don't endorse this solution in any way, shape or form. But if you add a variable to the __builtin__ module, it will be accessible as if a global from any other module that includes __builtin__ -- which is all of them, by default. contains

print foo contains

import __builtin__ = 1
import a

The result is that "1" is printed.

Edit: The __builtin__ module is available as the local symbol __builtins__ -- that's the reason for the discrepancy between two of these answers. Also note that __builtin__ has been renamed to builtins in python3.

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