Getting Key With Maximum Value in Dictionary

Getting key with maximum value in dictionary?

You can use operator.itemgetter for that:

import operator
stats = {'a': 1000, 'b': 3000, 'c': 100}
max(stats.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

And instead of building a new list in memory use stats.iteritems(). The key parameter to the max() function is a function that computes a key that is used to determine how to rank items.

Please note that if you were to have another key-value pair 'd': 3000 that this method will only return one of the two even though they both have the maximum value.

>>> import operator
>>> stats = {'a': 1000, 'b': 3000, 'c': 100, 'd': 3000}
>>> max(stats.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

If using Python3:

>>> max(stats.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

Getting the key for second maximum value from a dictionary, Python

Sort the dict keys by their value and get the second to last item:

sorted(dic, key=dic.get)[-2] 

get the key of the maximum value in the dictionary among some values

Just pass dict.get function as your key parameter in max():

# to find the max of entire dictionary

max(D, key=D.get)
# 'W'

# to find individual keys

max(['N', 'S'], key=D.get)
# 'N'

Find ALL keys of highest value in dictionary

You can try this:

dictt = {'John': 10, 'Chase': 11, 'Cole': '11'}

max_val = max(dictt.values(), key = lambda x: int(x))

maxkeyarray = [key for key in dictt if int(dictt[key]) == max_val]



['Chase', 'Cole']

print highest value in dict with key

You could use use max and min with dict.get:

maximum = max(mydict, key=mydict.get)  # Just use 'min' instead of 'max' for minimum.
print(maximum, mydict[maximum])
# D 87

get key of max value in dictionary when value is list

You can use the builtin max() operator with a lambda function

result = max(d.items(), key=lambda item: max(item[1]))

The result of this statement is a tuple

('BATTERY', [0.5, 0.0])

Where you can simply take the first element - the key

see also this answer for the simpler case

Get keys with maximum value from a nested dictionary

In simple way with builtin features:

d = {'eyes_color': {"blue": 10, "brown": 12},
'hair_color': {"black": 15, "blonde": 7},
'gender': {"male": 16, "female": 6}

max_value, max_key = max(((v,k) for inner_d in d.values() for k,v in inner_d.items()))
print(max_key) # male
print(max_value) # 16

Python Get key of nested dictionary with highest value for attribute

You can find the maximum among the keys of your dictionary, comparing based on a custom key parameter that retrieves the amount corresponding to the key:

result = max(data.keys(), key=lambda x: data[x]['amount'])


Get dict key by max value

Use the key parameter to max():

max(d, key=d.get)


>>> d= {'a':2,'b':5,'c':3}
>>> max(d, key=d.get)

The key parameter takes a function, and for each entry in the iterable, it'll find the one for which the key function returns the highest value.

get key of max value in dictionary when value is list

max(myDict, key=lambda x: max(myDict[x]))

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