Function Name Is Undefined in Python Class

function name is undefined in python class

Since test() doesn't know who is abc, that msg NameError: global name 'abc' is not defined you see should happen when you invoke b.test() (calling is fine), change it to:

class a:
def abc(self):
print "haha"
def test(self):
# abc()

b = a() # 'haha' is printed
b.test() # 'haha' is printed

Function name is not defined in a Python class

You forgot to add self as the first argument of class' methods and when you use the methods. Corrected code:

class Logger:
def get_timestamp():
import datetime
return datetime.datetime.utcnow()

def print_log(self, color, write_level, msg):
return color

def log_level_print(self, log_level, write_level, msg):
if log_level == 'ERROR':
return self.print_log(bcolors.FAIL, write_level, msg)
if log_level == 'WARN':
return self.print_log(bcolors.WARNING, write_level, msg)
if log_level == 'INFO':
return self.print_log(bcolors.OKGREEN, write_level, msg)
if log_level == 'DEBUG':
return self.print_log(bcolors.OKBLUE, write_level, msg)
print(f"{Logger.get_timestamp()} {bcolors.FAIL}: Invalid LOG type{bcolors.ENDC}")

Look, it's a code I'm running:

demo = Logger()

and this is a result:


name not defined' when setting a class to a variable

A few things.

Firstly, you're not "converting" your class into a variable. You're instantiating type and assigning that instance to a variable, something that holds a reference to an object.

Moving to the problem at hand. As the comments suggest and extending on that, you're fundamentally misunderstanding default parameters and instantiation.

In your first example you have period and division parameters which are both defined within the scope of the constructor (__init__). It is valid to use these in the constructor because they exist in that scope.

Below this you attempt to instantiate Stuff by passing variables called period and division which do not exist. They do not exist because you are outside of the scope of the constructor.

You need to create these

class Stuff():

def __init__(self, period = 1, division = 1):
print(str(period), str(division))

period = 1
division = 1

stuff = Stuff(period, division)

The defined variables have nothing to do with the parameters of the Stuff class, other than the fact that they are passed in when instantiating this object.

In your second example you've removed these non-existent variables from the instantiation which is correct but you've also removed the default assignment of the parameters in the Stuff class which is wrong. It's wrong because now you're instantiating an object whose constructor has required parameters, without this it does not know what to do with those parameters.

The error reflects this mandatory requirement

TypeError: __init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'period' and 'division'

For the second example, the correct syntax would be

class Stuff():

def __init__(self, period = 1, division = 1):
print(str(period), str(division))

stuff = Stuff()

python: function not defined

You need to use self to call class methods, also your method check didn't have a self attribute.

class Solution(object):

def check(self, num,s):
if num<=0:
return s
elif num<10:
return find(0,s+a[num])
elif num>=10 and num<50:
if num<=30:
return find(num%10,s+('X'*(num//10)))
return find(num%10,s+'XL')
elif num>=50 and num<100:
if num<=80:
return find(num%10,s+('L'+'X'*(num//10)))
return find(num%10,s+'XC')
elif num>=100 and num<500:
if num<=300:
return find(num%100,s+('C'*(num//100)))
return find(num%100,s+'CD')
elif num>=500 and num<1000:
if num<=800:
return find(num%100,s+('D'+'C'*(num//100)))
return find(num%100,s+'CM')
return find(num%1000,s+'M'*(num//1000))

def intToRoman(self, num: int) -> str:
s = self.check(num,"")
return s

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