Fastest Way to Compute Image Dataset Channel Wise Mean and Standard Deviation in Python

Fastest way to compute image dataset channel wise mean and standard deviation in Python

Since this is a numerically heavy task (a lot of iterations around a matrix, or a tensor), I always suggest to use libraries that are good at this: numpy.

A properly installed numpy should be able to utilize the underlying BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) routines which are optimized for operating an array of floating points from the memory hierarchy perspective.

imread should already give you the numpy array. You can get the reshaped 1d array of the image of the red channel by

import numpy as np
val = np.reshape(image[:,:,0], -1)

the mean of such by


and the standard deviation by


In this way, you can get rid of two layers of python loops:

count = 0
mean = 0
delta = 0
delta2 = 0
M2 = 0
for i, file in enumerate(tqdm(first)):
image = cv2.imread(file)
val = np.reshape(image[:,:,0], -1)
img_mean = np.mean(val)
img_std = np.std(val)

The rest of the incremental update should be straightforward.

Once you have done this, the bottleneck will become the image loading speed, which is limited by disk read operation performance. For that regard, I suspect using multi-thread as others suggested will help much based on my prior experience.

Fastest way to compute image dataset channel wise mean and standard deviation in Python

Since this is a numerically heavy task (a lot of iterations around a matrix, or a tensor), I always suggest to use libraries that are good at this: numpy.

A properly installed numpy should be able to utilize the underlying BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) routines which are optimized for operating an array of floating points from the memory hierarchy perspective.

imread should already give you the numpy array. You can get the reshaped 1d array of the image of the red channel by

import numpy as np
val = np.reshape(image[:,:,0], -1)

the mean of such by


and the standard deviation by


In this way, you can get rid of two layers of python loops:

count = 0
mean = 0
delta = 0
delta2 = 0
M2 = 0
for i, file in enumerate(tqdm(first)):
image = cv2.imread(file)
val = np.reshape(image[:,:,0], -1)
img_mean = np.mean(val)
img_std = np.std(val)

The rest of the incremental update should be straightforward.

Once you have done this, the bottleneck will become the image loading speed, which is limited by disk read operation performance. For that regard, I suspect using multi-thread as others suggested will help much based on my prior experience.

Finding mean and standard deviation across image channels PyTorch

You just need to rearrange batch tensor in a right way: from [B, C, W, H] to [B, C, W * H] by:

batch = batch.view(batch.size(0), batch.size(1), -1)

Here is complete usage example on random data:


import torch
from import TensorDataset, DataLoader

data = torch.randn(64, 3, 28, 28)
labels = torch.zeros(64, 1)
dataset = TensorDataset(data, labels)
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=8)

nimages = 0
mean = 0.
std = 0.
for batch, _ in loader:
# Rearrange batch to be the shape of [B, C, W * H]
batch = batch.view(batch.size(0), batch.size(1), -1)
# Update total number of images
nimages += batch.size(0)
# Compute mean and std here
mean += batch.mean(2).sum(0)
std += batch.std(2).sum(0)

# Final step
mean /= nimages
std /= nimages



tensor([-0.0029, -0.0022, -0.0036])
tensor([0.9942, 0.9939, 0.9923])

Normalising images using mean and std of a dataset

Your formulas are not correct. You can't take the mean of the values of a batch and then the standard deviation of these means and expect it to be the standard deviation over the entire dataset. Try something like:

total = 0.0
totalsq = 0.0
count = 0

for data, *_ in dataloader:
count +=
total += data.sum()
totalsq += (data**2).sum()

mean = total/count
var = (totalsq/count) - (mean**2)
std = torch.sqrt(var)

Numpy - Normalize RGB image dataset

Looks good, but there are some things NumPy does that could make it nicer. I'm assuming that you want to normalize each channel separately.

For one, notice that x has a method mean, so we can write x[..., 0].mean() instead of np.mean(x[:, :, :, 0]). Also, the mean method takes the keyword argument axis, which we can use as follows:

means = x.mean(axis=(0, 1, 2)) # Take the mean over the N,H,W axes
means.shape # => will evaluate to (C,)

Then we can subtract the means from the whole dataset like so:

centered = x - x.mean(axis=(0,1,2), keepdims=True)

Note that we had to use keepdims here.

There is also an x.std that works the same way, so we can do the whole normalization in 1 line:

z = (x - x.mean(axis=(0,1,2), keepdims=True)) / x.std(axis=(0,1,2), keepdims=True)

Check out the docs for numpy.ndarray.mean and np.ndarray.std for more info. The np.ndarray.method methods are what you hit when you call x.method instead of using np.method(x) instead.

Edit: I have since learned that, of course, there is a scipy.stats.zscore. I'm not sure if this is a more readable way to take zscores along each channel, but some might prefer it:

z = zscore(x.reshape(-1, 3)).reshape(x.shape)

The scipy function operates only over a single axis, so we have to reshape into an NHW x C matrix first and then reshape back.

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