Error with Igraph Library - Deprecated Library

Error with igraph library - deprecated library

I think you have installed the wrong igraph libray.

This igraph(0.1.11) is the one you installed, while this igraph(0.7.1) is the one you need (and the well-known iGraph).

  • Using pip (once you've installed it), Just do:

    sudo pip uninstall igraph

  • Then install the python-igraph-0.7.1 package, using either pip or apt-get as mentionned in comments below:

    sudo pip install python-igraph

Hope it works.

Unable to install igraph due to failing build for the C core

tl;dr Use the official Python distribution for Windows, or use Anaconda.

You should not use python-igraph with the Python included in MSYS2 unless you have a very good reason. This Python is not compatible with the official Python distribution on Windows, which means that you will not be able to install binary wheels from PyPI, and will need to compile everything from source. As you discovered, that is not always trivial.

If you have a truly good reason to use this Python with igraph, the simplest way is the following:

  • Make sure you are using the appropriate subsystem (i.e. you launch the correct terminal). Here I am assuming you are using the MinGW64 one.
  • Install the igraph C library from MSYS2: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-igraph
  • Make sure you are using pip from MSYS2: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pip
  • Install texttable: pip install texttable
  • Install igraph, and link to the existing C library: pip install igraph --install-option="--use-pkg-config"

By going this route, you are treading in uncharted waters. Expect problems that you will need to resolve on your own.

Igraph no such attribute error when trying to read external file

Your first snippet didn't work because Read_Edgelist is an instance method.
So you need to create an object first and then call the Read_Edgelist function on that.

For example

g = Graph()

Your second snippet didn't work because your import statement is import igraph

Then you must use

g = igraph.Graph.Tree(127,2(

Hope that helps!

igraph install error. select.error 10038. is trying to be clever and show a countdown from 10 seconds to zero in order to give you time to read an important message. Unfortunately the trick does not work on Windows; that's why you are getting this error message. Run python install --no-wait and the error should go away.

On the other hand, since you are compiling on Windows, you are probably better off with using the pre-compiled packages from this page instead. Otherwise you would also need a working C compiler in order to get things done.

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