Error:Gpu_Process_Transport_Factory.Cc(1007)-Lost UI Shared Context:While Initializing Chrome Browser Through Chromedriver in Headless Mode

Chrome Options in Python Selenium : Disable GPU vs Headless

You saw it right. Adding the argument --headless initiates the Chrome Browsing Context in headless mode.

However the purpose of the argument --disable-gpu was to enable google-chrome-headless on windows platform. It was needed as SwiftShader fails an assert on Windows in headless mode earlier.

This issue was resolved through Headless: make --disable-gpu flag unnecessary

You can find a relevant detailed discussion in UI shared context : while initializing Chrome browser through ChromeDriver in Headless mode

AWS EC2 times out when trying to authenticate using a selenium headless chrome

A bit of more details about your usecase would have helped us to analyze the reason behind the program executing too slow. Here are a few considerations:

  • A common cause for Chrome to crash during startup is running Chrome as root user (administrator) on Linux. While it is possible to work around this issue by passing --no-sandbox flag when creating your WebDriver session, such a configuration is unsupported and highly discouraged. You need to configure your environment to run Chrome as a regular user instead. So you may need to drop the --no-sandbox option.

Here is the link to the Sandbox story.

  • While using --headless option you won't be able to use --window-size=1280x1696 due to certain constraints.

You can find a couple of relevant detailed discussion in:

  • Fullscreen in Headless Chrome using Selenium
  • Not able to maximize Chrome Window in headless mode
  • The argument --disable-gpu was to enable google-chrome-headless on windows platform. It was needed as SwiftShader fails an assert on Windows in headless mode earlier. This issue was resolved through Headless: make --disable-gpu flag unnecessary

You can find a relevant detailed discussion in UI shared context : while initializing Chrome browser through ChromeDriver in Headless mode

  • Further you haven't mentioned any specific requirement of using --hide-scrollbars, --enable-logging, --log-level=0, --v=99, --single-process, --data-path=tmp/data-path, --homedir=tmp, --disk-cache-dir=tmp/cache-dir, --no-proxy-server, --proxy-server='direct://' and --proxy-bypass-list=* arguments which you opt to drop for the time being and add them back as per your Test Specification.


You can find a couple of relevant detailed discussions in:

  • Selenium works on AWS EC2 but not on AWS Lambda

Selenium works on AWS EC2 but not on AWS Lambda

I was finally able to get it to work

Python 3.7
headless-chromium v1.0.0-55
chromedriver 2.43



I added headless-chromium and chromedriver to a Lambda Layer

Permissions 755 for both works


The Lambda function looks like this

import os
import selenium
from selenium import webdriver

def handler(event, context):
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
chrome_options.binary_location = f"/opt/headless-chromium"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(
executable_path = f"/opt/chromedriver",
html = driver.page_source

Hope this helps someone in Q4 2020 and after.

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