Download File Using Partial Download (Http)

Android partial download http

File file = new File(targetPath);

if (file.exists()) {
con.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + (file.length()) + "-");
} else {
con.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + 0 + "-");

Is there a good implementation of partial file downloading in PHP?

Seems that I found what I needed myself. So that other may benefit from this, here is the link:

And just in case the original page stops to work (the script is pretty old already), here is a copy of it:


The following byte serving code is (C) 2004 Razvan Florian. You may find the latest version at

function set_range($range, $filesize, &$first, &$last){
Sets the first and last bytes of a range, given a range expressed as a string
and the size of the file.

If the end of the range is not specified, or the end of the range is greater
than the length of the file, $last is set as the end of the file.

If the begining of the range is not specified, the meaning of the value after
the dash is "get the last n bytes of the file".

If $first is greater than $last, the range is not satisfiable, and we should
return a response with a status of 416 (Requested range not satisfiable).

$range='0-499', $filesize=1000 => $first=0, $last=499 .
$range='500-', $filesize=1000 => $first=500, $last=999 .
$range='500-1200', $filesize=1000 => $first=500, $last=999 .
$range='-200', $filesize=1000 => $first=800, $last=999 .

if ($first=='') {
//suffix byte range: gets last n bytes
if($first<0) $first=0;
} else {
if ($last=='' || $last>$filesize-1) $last=$filesize-1;
//unsatisfiable range
header("Status: 416 Requested range not satisfiable");
header("Content-Range: */$filesize");

function buffered_read($file, $bytes, $buffer_size=1024){
Outputs up to $bytes from the file $file to standard output, $buffer_size bytes at a time.
while($bytes_left>0 && !feof($file)){
$contents=fread($file, $bytes_to_read);
echo $contents;

function byteserve($filename){
Byteserves the file $filename.

When there is a request for a single range, the content is transmitted
with a Content-Range header, and a Content-Length header showing the number
of bytes actually transferred.

When there is a request for multiple ranges, these are transmitted as a
multipart message. The multipart media type used for this purpose is


if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='GET' && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) && $range=stristr(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']),'bytes=')){
$boundary='g45d64df96bmdf4sdgh45hf5';//set a random boundary

if($ranges && count($ranges)){
header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial content");
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
More than one range is requested.

//compute content length
foreach ($ranges as $range){
set_range($range, $filesize, $first, $last);
$content_length+=strlen("Content-type: application/pdf\r\n");
$content_length+=strlen("Content-range: bytes $first-$last/$filesize\r\n\r\n");

//output headers
header("Content-Length: $content_length");
//see for an discussion of x-byteranges vs. byteranges
header("Content-Type: multipart/x-byteranges; boundary=$boundary");

//output the content
foreach ($ranges as $range){
set_range($range, $filesize, $first, $last);
echo "\r\n--$boundary\r\n";
echo "Content-type: application/pdf\r\n";
echo "Content-range: bytes $first-$last/$filesize\r\n\r\n";
buffered_read ($file, $last-$first+1);
echo "\r\n--$boundary--\r\n";
} else {
A single range is requested.
set_range($range, $filesize, $first, $last);
header("Content-Length: ".($last-$first+1) );
header("Content-Range: bytes $first-$last/$filesize");
header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
buffered_read($file, $last-$first+1);
} else{
//no byteserving
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
header("Content-Length: $filesize");
header("Content-Type: application/pdf");

function serve($filename, $download=0){
//Just serves the file without byteserving
//if $download=true, then the save file dialog appears
header("Content-Length: $filesize");
header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
if($download) header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename_parts['basename']);

//unset magic quotes; otherwise, file contents will be modified

//do not send cache limiter header

$filename='myfile.pdf'; //this is the PDF file that will be byteserved
byteserve($filename); //byteserve it!

partially download a file with Javascript

You can't do that with just JavaScript. You'll need something on the server (what exactly depends on your server-side technology) to read the relevant part of the file. Then in JavaScript you can just call that server-side part.

Update 1

The HTTP protocol has support for downloading files in parts (which is what the). But of course HTTP knows nothing of MP3 files, so you'll have to know what range of the file contains the ID3 tag in your JavaScript.

Update 2

It seems way more feasible than I initially expected to download just a chunk of a URL in pure JavaScript:

xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "http://<your domain>/");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=-256");

This requests the last 256 bytes of the remote file.

Note that of course your request is subject to the usual same-origin limitations, so you can only use it to retrieve files from the server that contains your original HTML/JavaScript.

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