Django Sending Email

How to send email via Django?

Send the email to a real SMTP server. If you don't want to set up your own then you can find companies that will run one for you, such as Google themselves.

How to send a email from a form django

If you want to send mail then you have to configure this setting in your project's file

For example if you want to send email through your gmail account:

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = "your gmail address"
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your password'
EMAIL_PORT = '587'

And also remember to enable less secure apps in you google account for sending email.
And in the view you can try like this:

if request.method == 'POST' and email and name:
send_mail(subject, content, settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, [''], fail_silently=False)

Django Email sending SMTP Error, cant send a mail

Google disabled/discontinued the Less Secure App feature as of May 30th, 2022.

As recommended by @MeL, you could use an alternative but you can still use Gmail to send emails using Django. You can read this blog Mail setup on django using Gmail to help with guiding the setup if you're unfamiliar with setting up Google App Passwords.

In addition to that, you'll need to do one last thing to activate the app password to be used by Django. You should visit the site, select continue and you're all set.

How to send weekly scheduled emails in Django

You can use django-q,

it is easy to use and comes with django admin panel integration,
you have to separately run qcluster server and use crontab field to create cron job.To create a job at every friday at 11:00 .use

0 11 * * 5

on crontab field in django admin panel or you can also create through code, follow the tutorial.

Problems to send email using Django EmailBackend

I noticed you're using Gmail to send the emails. In that case, you have allow Less Secured Access to your gmail account. Follow these steps to do so:

1. Go to (after you login to Google)

2. Scroll down to Less secure app access section and click TURN ON access

Now Django should be able to send emails. If an email is rejected, the Gmail you connected to should send you a failure notice email.

Sending emails from my django website, via sendgrid

I think this line is causing an error.

except Exception as e:

Whatever exception is occuring, it doens't have message property.

Two solutions.

  1. print(e)

  2. remove try except block and try to figure out which exception is occurring and then catch that specifically.

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