Differencebetween JSON.Load() and JSON.Loads() Functions

What is the difference between json.load() and json.loads() functions

Yes, s stands for string. The json.loads function does not take the file path, but the file contents as a string. Look at the documentation.

What is the difference between json.dumps and json.load?

dumps takes an object and produces a string:

>>> a = {'foo': 3}
>>> json.dumps(a)
'{"foo": 3}'

load would take a file-like object, read the data from that object, and use that string to create an object:

with open('file.json') as fh:
a = json.load(fh)

Note that dump and load convert between files and objects, while dumps and loads convert between strings and objects. You can think of the s-less functions as wrappers around the s functions:

def dump(obj, fh):

def load(fh):
return loads(fh.read())

what is the difference between `json.loads()` and `.apply(json.loads)`?

The issue is that your credits variable is a Pandas DataFrame and so credits['cast'] is a Series). The json.loads function doesn't know how to deal with data types from pandas, so you get an error when you do json.loads(credits['cast']).

The Series type however has an apply method that accepts a function to be called on each value it contains. That's why credits['cast'].apply(json.loads) works, it passes json.loads as the argument to apply.

Difference between url.json() and json.loads()

The .json is just a shortcut of json.loads() when the response is a json.


is not working because you need to get the body of the request, i think it is


Python: Handling newlines in json.load() vs json.loads()

json.load() reads from a file descriptor and json.loads() reads from a string.

Within your file, the \n is properly encoded as a newline character and does not appear in the string as two characters, but as the correct blank character you know.

But within a string, if you don't double escape the \\n then the loader thinks it is a control character. But newline is not a control sequence for JSON (newline is in fact a character like any other).

By doubling the backslash you actually get a real string with \n in it, and only then will Python transform the \n into a newline char.

Difference between a python dictionary object and what json.loads return

The preferred way of validating/checking a python object's type is isintance()

isinstance(resp_json, type(my_dict))

I suspect however, that the misconception here is another.

As I pointed out in my comment, json.loads() returns a dictionary, iff a string representing syntactically correct JSON is passed. Therefor the type dict is correct, because this is python's built in way of representing key-value information in a similar way to how JS/JSON does.

If you want to know, whether they are the same object, i.e. stored in the same place in memory, you can use

  resp_json is my_dict

Judging by your question, however I suspect that what you are really interested in, is the equivalence of the contents.

resp_json == mydict 

should give you this. I can't really immagine another scenario, which would mattter.

What is the difference between json.JSONDecoder().decode() and json.loads()

json.loads() essentially creates a json.JSONDecoder() instance and calls decode on it. As such your first line is exactly the same thing as the second line. See the json.loads() source code.

The module offers you flexibility; a simple function API or a full OO API that you can subclass if needed.

What's the difference between JSON.load and JSON.parse methods of Ruby lib?

JSON#parse parses a JSON string into a Ruby Hash.

 JSON.parse('{"name": "Some Name"}') # => {"name" => "Some Name"}

JSON#load takes either a string or IO (file etc) and converts that to Ruby Hash/Array

JSON.load File.new("names.json")     # => Reads the JSON inside the file and results in a Ruby Object.

JSON.load '{"name": "Some Name"}' # Works just like #parse

In fact, it converts any object that responds to a #read method. For example:

class A
def initialize
@a = '{"name": "Some Name"}'

def read

JSON.load(A.new) # => {"name" => "Some Name"}

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