Converting Unix Timestamp String to Readable Date

Converting unix timestamp (length 13) string to readable date in Python

Your timestamp is not the 'classical' Unix timestamp (number of seconds since Jan 1st, 1970), as it is expressed in milliseconds.

You can translate it like this:

import datetime

timestamp_with_ms = 1491613677888

# We separate the 'ordinary' timestamp and the milliseconds
timestamp, ms = divmod(timestamp_with_ms, 1000)
#1491613677 888

# We create the datetime from the timestamp, we must add the
# milliseconds separately
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=ms)

formatted_time = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]
# With Python 3.6, you could use:
# formatted_time = dt.isoformat(sep=' ', timespec='milliseconds')

# 2017-04-08 03:07:57.888

Edit: I hadn't noticed that fromtimestamp accepts a float. So, we can simply do:

import datetime
timestamp_with_ms = 1491613677888

dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp_with_ms / 1000)

formatted_time = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]
# With Python 3.6, you could use:
# formatted_time = dt.isoformat(sep=' ', timespec='milliseconds')

# 2017-04-08 03:07:57.888

Convert Unix timestamp to a date string

With date from GNU coreutils you can do:

date -d "@$TIMESTAMP"
# date -d @0
Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969

(From: BASH: Convert Unix Timestamp to a Date)

On OS X, use date -r.

date -r "$TIMESTAMP"

Alternatively, use strftime(). It's not available directly from the shell, but you can access it via gawk. The %c specifier displays the timestamp in a locale-dependent manner.

echo "$TIMESTAMP" | gawk '{print strftime("%c", $0)}'
# echo 0 | gawk '{print strftime("%c", $0)}'
Wed 31 Dec 1969 07:00:00 PM EST

Convert Unix timestamp into human readable date using MySQL



See also: MySQL documentation on FROM_UNIXTIME().

Converting a UNIX Timestamp to Formatted Date String

Try gmdate like this:

echo gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $timestamp);

Converting Unix timestamp to date time - different results for JS and Python

Your timestamp value has microsecond resolution.

51 years (since epoch) * 365 * 24 * 3600 will give roughly 1.6 billion seconds. Your value has additional 6 digits.

So in Python divide by 1000000 instead of 1000.

Converting epoch timestamp into a readable date

That epoch is in seconds, you need to multiply it by 1000.

Transform Unix time stamp to a readable date time format

You can use pd.to_datetime with unit argument

kline = kline.rename({0:"Time",1:"Open",
4:"Low",5:"Amount",6:"Volume"}, axis='columns')

kline['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(kline['Time'], unit='s')
# ^^^ Addition here

kline.set_index('Time', inplace=True)

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