Call to Operating System to Open Url

Call to operating system to open url?

Here is how to open the user's default browser with a given url:

import webbrowser

url = "", new=0, autoraise=True)

Here is the documentation about this functionality. It's part of Python's stdlibs:

I have tested this successfully on Linux, Ubuntu 10.10.

How to open the default web browser in Windows in C?

You have to use ShellExecute().

The C code to do that is as simple as:

ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "http://url", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

This was documented by Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB 224816, but unfortunately the article has been retired and there's no archived version of it.

Python to open Chrome browser

You can call get() with the path to Chrome. Below is an example - replace chrome_path with the correct path for your platform.

import webbrowser

url = ''

# MacOS
chrome_path = 'open -a /Applications/Google\ %s'

# Windows
# chrome_path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s'

# Linux
# chrome_path = '/usr/bin/google-chrome %s'


app.on('open-url) event not being called on linux after deep linking to it

Figured out what was wrong. The documentation has the linux and mac as the same but linux is different or at least on debian it is. The documentation says to put into the app.on('open-url', (event, url) event but this doesn't work for linux or at least it didn't work for me.

Apparently or what I found that you have to grab it from the arguments from when it is called by the operating system to open. So what I did was in the app when ready event is finished i did:

app.whenReady().then(() => {                
const argv = process.argv
const lastArg = argv[argv.length-1]

So that gets the parameter from the deep link if you don't have the app running if the app is running already you then need to get the arg from using the on second instance event like so:

app.on('second-instance', (ev:Event, argv: string[], workingDirectory:string, additionalData) => {
const lastArg = argv[argv.length-1]
if (lastArg.startsWith("protocal://")) {

I think this is also how it works with windows as well but I need to do more testing for that.

How do I launch the default web browser in Perl on any operating system?

The second hit on "open url" at search.cpan brings up Browser::Open:

use Browser::Open qw( open_browser );

my $url = '';

If your OS isn't supported, send a patch or a bug report.

How to open URL in Microsoft Edge from the command line?

The following method should work via Command Prompt (cmd):

start microsoft-edge:

Call web URL with PHP script from a shell script on Mac OS-X

If you just need it to hit a php page on a remote server, don't use a browser. Use curl, or some equivalent.

curl http:/

What happens internally in an OS, when opening a hyperlink from within a pdf document?

The concept of an Operating System has become fuzzy. Fortunately, for the most part the concept of a kernel -- the thing that interprets system calls -- hasn't fallen down this hole.
A kernel performs relatively low-level operations; such as assigning and revoking RAM to and from address spaces, satisfying hardware interrupt requests, safely transferring data from external devices into RAM.... the list goes on, but is marked by tight definitions and short scope.

The response to an input gesture ( such as a mouse click, or if you are on windows a frantic collection of left and right clicky motions until something happens ) is in the domain of responsibility above the kernel. Often, people of a certain age insist that the operating system ends at the kernel.

From the application that you are running's point of view, the click-y gestures indicates to it that it should:

  1. Look at the sort of object that is in the vicinity of the pointer.
  2. If that object is a video, maybe it should play, or stop playing that video.
  3. If that object is a page/paragraph reference, maybe it should jump to that location.
  4. If that object is an URL (Universal Resource Locator), it should invoke some sort of URL resolution framework to resolve the clicky.

[4] is probably what happens in your case, and the mechanism to resolve this URL could involve all manner of operating system services, including starting new processes, loading shells within them, reading configuration files, ad nausia.

These frameworks live in a bit of a grey area in operating systems; they aim to implement generic concepts using the underlying implementation to best effect. This is something much easier said than done. Many feel that the relationship between the vendor,framework,programmer is rooted in the relation between the pusher,drug,user.

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