Beyond Top Level Package Error in Relative Import

Attempted relative import beyond toplevel package


import bash.bosh


from bash import bosh

Avoid modifying sys.path, as this duplicates modules.

When you do

import bosh

it will import the module bosh. This means Mopy/bash is in your sys.path, python finds the file bosh there, and imports it. The module is now globally known by the name bosh. Whether bosh is itself a module or package doesn't matter for this, it only changes whether or bosh/ is used.

Now, when bosh tries to do

from .. import bass

this is not a file system operation ("one directory up, file bass") but a module name operation. It means "one package level up, module bass". bosh wasn't imported from its package, but on its own, though. So going up one package is not possible - you end up at the package '', which is not valid.

Let's look at what happens when you do

import bash.bosh

instead. First, the package bash is imported. Then, bosh is imported as a module of that package - it is globally know as bash.bosh, even if you used from bash import bosh.

When bosh does

from .. import bass

that one works now: going one level up from bash.bosh gets you to bash. From there, bass is imported as bash.bass.

Django. ImportError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package

  1. import is wrong
from ..iRay_working_with_notes.views import list_notes

should be

from iRay_working_with_notes.views import list_notes

  1. redirect needs view name from the urls-pattern:

So please create a url-pattern entry for the list_notes view and give the pattern name as parameter to the redirect.

Why? because a redirect is telling the browser on the client side to load the target redirect page, so it needs an url (that is generated by django via the url-pattern), as the target page will be called from the browser.

Technically of course you can import a view and call it from another module directly as it is just a python function - but that is not a http redirect (and would not change the url in the browser to the redirected page) and additionally that is not really the idea of the django request/response architecture.

ValueError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package when trying to import models from another app in django

The Python root path is the electron directory, so you can not work with from electron.….

You can import the objects by importing it starting with the name of the app, not the project. This thus means that you import this with:

from elec_meter.models import Model1, Model2

while you can make wildcard imports, it is often considered an antipattern, since it is unclear what you import. This means that it can set references to point to objects exported by the elec_meter.models module, and thus override the original references.

ImportError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package. I am genuinely stuck

replace: from ..Foo import var by from Foo import var

those .. are trying to go beyond top package

\MainDir>dir /b/s



Sample Image

global var
var = 'value'
from SubDir import Bar

from Foo import var

Pytest throws 'attempted relative import beyond top-level package'

This is what worked:
Inside the file:

from start import app

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