Attributeerror: 'Pandasexprvisitor' Object Has No Attribute 'Visit_Ellipsis', Using Pandas Eval

AttributeError: 'PandasExprVisitor' object has no attribute 'visit_Ellipsis', using pandas eval

Your data is fine, and pandas.eval is buggy, but not in the way you think. There is a hint in the relevant github issue page that urged me to take a closer look at the documentation.

pandas.eval(expr, parser='pandas', engine=None, truediv=True, local_dict=None,
global_dict=None, resolvers=(), level=0, target=None, inplace=False)

Evaluate a Python expression as a string using various backends.

expr: str or unicode
The expression to evaluate. This string cannot contain any Python
statements, only Python expressions.

As you can see, the documented behaviour is to pass strings to pd.eval, in line with the general (and expected) behaviour of the eval/exec class of functions. You pass a string, and end up with an arbitrary object.

As I see it, pandas.eval is buggy because it doesn't reject the Series input expr up front, leading it to guess in the face of ambiguity. The fact that the default shortening of the Series' __repr__ designed for pretty printing can drastically affect your result is the best proof of this situation.

The solution is then to step back from the XY problem, and use the right tool to convert your data, and preferably stop using pandas.eval for this purpose entirely. Even in the working cases where the Series is small, you can't really be sure that future pandas versions don't break this "feature" completely.

How to convert values like '2+3' in a Python Pandas column to its aggregated value

Use pandas.eval what is different like pure python eval:

data['fatalities'] = pd.eval(data['fatalities'])
print (data)
0 1
1 4
2 10
3 9
4 5
5 11
6 16
7 9

But because this working only to 100 rows because bug:

AttributeError: 'PandasExprVisitor' object has no attribute 'visit_Ellipsis'

Then solution is:

data['fatalities'] = data['fatalities'].apply(pd.eval)

How to read xlsx file with out loosing data type

you can use

pd.read_excel(..., dtype= {'Column1': np.float64, 'Column1': np.int32}

of course specifying the column types wisely

pandas column to list for a json file

You can use:

df = pd.read_excel('data_threated.xlsx').reset_index(drop=True)
df['categories'] = df['categories'].apply(lambda x: [int(i) for i in x.split(',')] if isinstance(x, str) else '')
df.to_json('output.json', orient='records', indent=4)

Content of output.json


Note you can also use:

df['categories'] = pd.eval(df['categories'])

Pandas evaluate a string ratio into a float

Dont use pd.eval for Series, because if more like 100 rows it return ugly error, so need convert each value separately:

df['Ratios'] = 1/df['Ratios'].str.replace(':','/').apply(pd.eval)

But also your error seems some non numeric values together with :.

Error for 100+ rows:

AttributeError: 'PandasExprVisitor' object has no attribute 'visit_Ellipsis'

If not working and still error you can try test if data are correct in custom function:

print (df)
Date Ratios
0 2009-08-23 2:1r
1 2018-08-22 2:1
2 2019-10-24 2:1
3 2020-10-28 3:2

def f(x):
return False
return True

df = df[df['Ratios'].str.replace(':','/').apply(f)]
print (df)
Date Ratios
0 2009-08-23 2:1r

ValueError: unknown type object pandas eval for n rows = 100

It is bug, need processing each value separately by apply or map:

test["result"] = (test["number1"].astype(str)+test["sign1"]+test["number2"].astype(str)+\

test["result"] = (test["number1"].astype(str)+test["sign1"]+test["number2"].astype(str)+\

Summing and subtracting 2 numbers in 1 column in Pandas

I believe you need pandas.eval:

df['new'] = pd.eval(df['bedrooms'])
print (df)
bedrooms new
0 1 + 1 2
1 2 - 1 1

EDIT: Problem in data is 6 +, one possible solution for parse it to 6 is use Series.str.rstrip:

df = pd.DataFrame({'bedrooms': "4 ,4 +,5 +1, 5+, 6+ ".split(',') * 200})

df['bedrooms'] = pd.eval(df['bedrooms'].str.rstrip('+- '))


df['bedrooms'] = df['bedrooms'].str.rstrip('+- ').apply(pd.eval)
print (df)
0 4
1 4
2 6
3 5
4 6
.. ...
995 4
996 4
997 6
998 5
999 6

[1000 rows x 1 columns]


You can find problematic values:

def f(x):
return pd.eval(x)
return np.nan

df['bedrooms1'] = df['bedrooms'].apply(f)

a = df.loc[df['bedrooms1'].isna(), 'bedrooms']
print (a)
74 6 +
Name: bedrooms, dtype: object

Evaluate string in column of dataframe with a variable

Pandas has a safer version of eval that supports a limited number of operations. Luckily, > and < work, and you can use this along with string concatenation:

i = '3'
idx = pd.eval(i + df.Expression)

    Name  Factor Expression  Year
0 Hydro 0.075 <10 2010
2 Hydro 0.075 <10 2011
4 Hydro 0.075 <10 2012

As @coldspeed noted, the above approach only works on DataFrames that are < 100 rows*, which isn't ideal. He also proposed the following solution:

df[[pd.eval(f"{i}{j}") for j in df['Expression']]]

*The above limitation is discussed more in depth in the following question: AttributeError: 'PandasExprVisitor' object has no attribute 'visit_Ellipsis', using pandas eval

Saved data using pandas is changing

This occures because read_csv doesn't recognize complex types like list and reads them as strings:

type([0, 'Sequence1'])
# <class 'str'>

One possible work around is to use pandas.eval function:

interactionsCSV['Sequence1'] = pd.eval(interactionsCSV['Sequence1'])
type([0, 'Sequence1'])
# <class 'list'>
max([len(s) for s in interactionsCSV.get('Sequence1')])
# 847

Turn str fractions to floats in pandas df

Try the below code:


identifier per_1 per_2 per_3 per_4 per_5
0 'something' 0.976378 1 0.615385 0.7 1
1 'camel' 0.991803 0.728155 0.977199 0.916667 0

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