Accessing a Value in a Tuple That Is in a List

Accessing a value in a tuple that is in a list

With a list comprehension.

[x[1] for x in L]

Accessing values of tuples inside lists in if statements

I would say you kind of overcomplicated that. Instead try something like this.

lst = [('w', False), ('o', True), ('r', False), ('d', False)]
for tup in lst:
if tup[1] == True:
elif tup[1] == False:
print('_', end="")

Accessing values of a tuple inside a list

You can access it like this:

for tup in my_list:
x, y = tup # assuming there two values inside the tuple to unpack
print(x, y)
print(tup[0], tup[1]) # in case you want to access with indexing

To subtract first tuple from second tuple inside your list:

x_diff = my_list[0][0] - my_list[1][0]
y_diff = my_list[0][1] - my_list[1][1]

How to access element of Tuple in a list of tuples

Use a List Comprehension like:

output = [tuple(j[1] for j in i) for i in inputlist]

You will need to convert the second expression to a tuple as else it would output a generator object

Getting one value from a tuple

You can write

i = 5 + tup()[0]

Tuples can be indexed just like lists.

The main difference between tuples and lists is that tuples are immutable - you can't set the elements of a tuple to different values, or add or remove elements like you can from a list. But other than that, in most situations, they work pretty much the same.

Accessing values in a tuple in a tuple in a list [Error]

The exception is raising when tup gets 'E' value and you are trying to get an index which doesn't exist.

for row in numbering:
for tup in row:
if tup[1] != ' ': # Raised exception --> 'E'[1]

If I understand correctly your goals, try to use this:

DATA = [((1, ' '), 'E'), ((2, ' '), 'V'), ((113, ' '), 'A')]

def get_tuples(data):
for item in data:
for element in item:
if isinstance(element, tuple):
yield element

for tup in get_tuples(DATA):


(1, ' ')
(2, ' ')
(113, ' ')

How to access lists inside a tuple inside a list in python

You need to remove the i in the first for loop:

for tuples in enumerate(holidays):
for list in tuples:
print list

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