Time Calculation in PHP (Add 10 Hours)

Time calculation in php (add 10 hours)?

strtotime() gives you a number back that represents a time in seconds. To increment it, add the corresponding number of seconds you want to add. 10 hours = 60*60*10 = 36000, so...

$date = date('h:i:s A', strtotime($today)+36000); // $today is today date

Edit: I had assumed you had a string time in $today - if you're just using the current time, even simpler:

$date = date('h:i:s A', time()+36000); // time() returns a time in seconds already

Add 'x' number of hours to date

You may use something like the strtotime() function to add something to the current timestamp. $new_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+5 hours')).

If you need variables in the function, you must use double quotes then like strtotime("+{$hours} hours"), however better you use strtotime(sprintf("+%d hours", $hours)) then.

Add hours in a date in PHP

Use DateTime modify method.

$date = new DateTime("2013-03-17 07:11:00");
$date->modify("+4 hours");
echo $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");


PHP Adding 15 minutes to Time value

Your code doesn't work (parse) because you have an extra ) at the end that causes a Parse Error. Count, you have 2 ( and 3 ). It would work fine if you fix that, but strtotime() returns a timestamp, so to get a human readable time use date().

$selectedTime = "9:15:00";
$endTime = strtotime("+15 minutes", strtotime($selectedTime));
echo date('h:i:s', $endTime);

Get an editor that will syntax highlight and show unmatched parentheses, braces, etc.

To just do straight time without any TZ or DST and add 15 minutes (read zerkms comment):

 $endTime = strtotime($selectedTime) + 900;  //900 = 15 min X 60 sec

Still, the ) is the main issue here.

Adding minutes to date time in PHP

$minutes_to_add = 5;

$time = new DateTime('2011-11-17 05:05');
$time->add(new DateInterval('PT' . $minutes_to_add . 'M'));

$stamp = $time->format('Y-m-d H:i');

The ISO 8601 standard for duration is a string in the form of P{y}Y{m1}M{d}DT{h}H{m2}M{s}S where the {*} parts are replaced by a number value indicating how long the duration is.

For example, P1Y2DT5S means 1 year, 2 days, and 5 seconds.

In the example above, we are providing PT5M (or 5 minutes) to the DateInterval constructor.

How to get time difference in minutes in PHP

Subtract the past most one from the future most one and divide by 60.

Times are done in Unix format so they're just a big number showing the number of seconds from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT

Adding 1 hour to time variable

Worked for me..

$timestamp = strtotime('10:09') + 60*60;

$time = date('H:i', $timestamp);

echo $time;//11:09


strtotime('10:09') creates a numerical timestamp in seconds, something like 1510450372. Simply add or remove the amount of seconds you need and use date() to convert it back into a human readable format.

$timestamp = strtotime('10:09') + 60*60; // 10:09 + 1 hour
$timestamp = strtotime('10:09') + 60*60*2; // 10:09 + 2 hours
$timestamp = strtotime('10:09') - 60*60; // 10:09 - 1 hour

time() also creates a numerical timestamp but for right now. You can use it in the same way.

$timestamp = time() + 60*60; // now + 1 hour

Add 24 hours to a text time and calculate remain time with PHP

Using DateTime

$input = '2017-05-11 21:00:00';

$plus_24hrs = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $input)->modify('+24 hour');
echo '+24hrs = ' . $plus_24hrs->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . PHP_EOL;

$remaining = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', time());
$diff = $remaining->diff($plus_24hrs);
echo 'to go: ' . $diff->format('%hh %im %ss');

Example output:

+24hrs = 2017-05-12 21:00:00
to go: 12h 24m 32s

Demo: https://eval.in/792876

Hope this helps.

PHP calculate half of 8 hour working day

Something like this could work

$pickup = strtotime($employee->timepickup);
$return = strtotime($employee->timereturn);
$timediff = ($return - $pickup) / 3600;

$days = floor($timediff / 8);
$halfday = ($timediff - $days * 8) / 4.5;

$days += $halfday < 1 ? 0.5: 1;

It's a bit crude, but you'll end up with adding a half day if the remainder of the time difference is 4.5 hours or less, and adding a whole day if the remainder is larger than 4.5.

how to add two time more than 24 hours

You have a logical error in your code, you just simply sum every part of the time but the thing you need to do is this :

If number of seconds is superior to 60 you have to get only the result of $number_seconds%60 and add it to your minutes and repeat it with the minutes, let me show you :

       function TimeSum($a,$b)
list ($hour1, $min1, $sec1) = explode(':', $a);
list ($hour2, $min2, $sec2) = explode(':', $b);
//counting number of seconds and getting extra minutes outs
$total_sec = $sec1+$sec2;
$sumSec = $total_sec%60;
$extra_min = ($total_sec-$sumSec)/60;
//counting number of minutes and getting extra hours outs
$total_min= $min1+$min2+$extra_min;
$sumMin = $total_min%60;
$extra_hr = ($total_min-$sumMin)/60;
//counting number of hours
$sumHour = $hour1 + $hour2 + $extra_hr;

return $sumHour.':'.$sumMin.':'.$sumSec;

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