Strtotime With Different Languages

strtotime With Different Languages?

From the docs

Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix

Edit: Six years down the road now, and what was meant to be a side-note about why strtotime() was an inappropriate solution for the issue at hand became the accepted answer /p>

To better answer the actual question I want to echo Marc B's answer: despite the downvotes, date_create_from_format, paired with a custom Month interpreter will provide the most reliable solution

However it appears that there is still no silver-bullet for international date parsing built-in to PHP for the time being.

Php: Change language in date/strftime/strtotime

Just output the date using strftime() and set_locale() functions. No need to change your code logic if it is correct.

$d = strtotime('today');

$format = '%A %d %b';
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'NL_nl');
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'nl_NL');

switch ($d) {
case strtotime('monday'):
case strtotime('friday'):
case strtotime('saturday'):
case strtotime('sunday'):
$ff = strtotime('next friday');
$ffn = strftime($format, $ff);
echo $ffn;
case strtotime('tuesday'):
case strtotime('wednesday'):
case strtotime('thursday'):
$ff = strtotime('next friday' . '+ 7days');
$fft = strftime($format, $ff);
echo $fft;
echo "Something went wrong";

Change language of the date stored in d-M-Y format php

Actually I use this in wordpress so I used date_i18n()

echo date_i18n('d-M-Y', strtotime( $date ));

How to solve a php strtotime language issue not sincronyzed with server bash language

From docs (emphasis mine):

strtotime — Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp

In case you don't need the full power of strtotime() (after all, you seem to be parsing logs from one single program) you can try IntlDateFormatter::parse(). Here's a quick and dirty demo:

$fmt = new IntlDateFormatter('de_DE', null, null);
$fmt->setPattern('M-dd-yy hh:mm:ss');
$log_time = "Mai-05-20 17:22:36";
$unix_time = $fmt->parse($log_time);
echo date('r', $unix_time);

Tue, 05 May 2020 17:22:36 +0200

Note that a Unix time is a fixed moment in time, thus unaffected by time zones. I get +0200 when casting to local time because my PHP default time zone is currently CEST.

Convert Month Name into Number With Different Languages?

If you can integrate the external class dt try this:

$visit_date = "7 Dezembro, 2019";

$dt = dt::create($visit_date);

echo $dt->format('Y-m-d');//2019-12-07

Internally, the class creates a translation table for every month when setting the language. The IntlDateFormatter class is used for this.

Note: The IntlDateFormatter class works independently of the server's local settings.

Is there any inbuild function to convert different language date into common date format in PHP

You can use str_replace like below

  $arrDates = array('12-ápr.-2018', '8-anp.2018', '11-Apr-2018');
foreach($arrDates as &$d){
$d = str_replace(['ápr.-','anp.','Apr-'],'4-',$d);

Live Demo

Output :

[0] => 12-4-2018
[1] => 8-4-2018
[2] => 11-4-2018

Translating PHP weekdays and months

You are probably looking for the following:


setlocale(LC_TIME, "fi");
echo utf8_encode(strftime('%A'));



And this as a gift for you guys - the ISO language codes

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