Strip PHP Variable, Replace White Spaces with Dashes

Strip php variable, replace white spaces with dashes

This function will create an SEO friendly string

function seoUrl($string) {
//Lower case everything
$string = strtolower($string);
//Make alphanumeric (removes all other characters)
$string = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9_\s-]/", "", $string);
//Clean up multiple dashes or whitespaces
$string = preg_replace("/[\s-]+/", " ", $string);
//Convert whitespaces and underscore to dash
$string = preg_replace("/[\s_]/", "-", $string);
return $string;

should be fine :)

Replace Dash with Space in PHP

echo '<div><a href="'.$row[website].'-seo-services">'.ucwords(str_replace("-"," ",$row[website])).'</a></div>';

In the above example you can use str_replace() to replace hyphens with spaces to create separate words. Then use ucwords() to capitalize the newly created words.

Php make spaces in a word with a dash

Oldschool without regex

$test = "jjfnj 948";
$test = str_replace(" ", "", $test); // strip all spaces from string
echo substr($test, 0, 3)."-".substr($test, 3); // isolate first three chars, add hyphen, and concat all characters after the first three

PHP str_replace replace spaces with underscores

I'll suggest that you use this as it will check for both single and multiple occurrence of white space (as suggested by Lucas Green).

$journalName = preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', $journalName);

instead of:

$journalName = str_replace(' ', '_', $journalName);

Replace all spaces with dashes, but not accents characters - PHP

If you are only changing spaces, in your RegEx, try matching the spaces.

$username = preg_replace("![ ]+!i", "-", $username);

I would also recommend against unescaped \ characters - they have a habit of meaning something in both PHP strings (more so with double quotes) and in RegEx.

Alternatively, \w will match any word character, and \d will match any number, so ![^\w\d]+!iu will match anything that isn't alphanumeric.

$username = preg_replace('![^\\w\\d]+!iu', '-', $username);

Note, the i makes it case-insensitive, the u makes it unicode safe.


echo preg_replace('![^\\w\\d\\\\]+!iu', '-', 'this is a testé');

outputs this-is-a-testé

Replace comma or whitespace with hyphen in same string

$result = preg_replace('/[ ,]+/', '-', trim($value));


$value = '  home  ,garden , gardener  ';
$result = preg_replace('/[ ,]+/', '-', trim($value));

echo $result;

Replace spaces with a Underscore in a URL

Try using str_replace for replace space with underscore

<div class="groupinfo">
<a href="<?= base_url() ?>group/group_id/<?= $gr->grp_id ?>/<?= str_replace(" ","_",$gr->grp_name) ?>">

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