"Slash Before Every Quote" Problem

slash before every quote problem

Looks like you have magic quotes turned on. Use below condition using stripslashes with whatever text you want to process:

$your_text = stripslashes($your_text);

Now you can process $your_text variable normally.


Magic quotes are exaplained here. For well written code there is normally no harm in disabling it.

Add backslash before single and double quote

If perl is okay:

perl -pe 's/"{3}(*SKIP)(*F)|[\x27"]/\\$&/g'
  • "{3}(*SKIP)(*F) don't change triple double quotes
    • use (\x27{3}|"{3})(*SKIP)(*F) if you shouldn't change triple single/double quotes
  • |[\x27"] match single or double quotes
  • \\$& prefix \ to the matched portion

With sed, you can replace the triple quotes with newline character (since newline character cannot be present in pattern space for default line-by-line usage), then replace the single/double quote characters and then change newline characters back to triple quotes.

# assuming only triple double quotes are present
sed 's/"""/\n/g; s/[\x27"]/\\&/g; s/\n/"""/g'

Single Quotes inside Single Quotes removing Forward Slashes

It's not really removing the slashes. You'll see them if you view the page source rather than using inspect.

Put the style attribute value in double quotes.

$output .= "style=\"background:url('https://www.example.com/images/" . $profile_image_url . "')no-repeat;\"";

Or put the URL in double quotes.

$output .= "style='background:url(\"https://www.example.com/images/" . $profile_image_url . "\")no-repeat;'";

Unescaped single quotes inside single quotes is not possible. The second single quote encountered will close the first one. And escaping them doesn't work in that context, as you've seen.

String Replace - Add Slash Before Single Quote

Why not use addslashes?

$string = "I love Bob's Pizza!";
$string = addslashes($string);
echo $string;

UPDATE: If you insist on your way it's because you're not escaping the single quote. Try:

$string = 'I love Bob\'s Pizza!';
$string = str_replace("'", "\\'", $string);
echo $string;

You simply can't do what you're doing because it causes a syntax error.

how to add slashes to only double quotes

Delete your string $str =" or $str = ' as this is entirely wrong.

1) Use a CSS Style Sheet to store your CSS outside your HTML and avoid repetition.

2) Use single quotes in HTML syntax (and your PHP string is in double quotes) to avoid the need to escape your HTML at all (javascript elements will be an exception, however).

Example of points one and two combined:

CSS File

.body_wrap_table { 
width: 100%;
.table_td_tr {
font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;


$str = " <table class='body-wrap body_wrap_table'>
<tr class='table_td_tr'>
<td class='table_td_tr'>this is my test</td></tr></table>

So no need for quote escaping at all.

3) If you really want to do it you can use a Regex function such as Preg_replace as exampled here:

$str = preg_replace('/"+(?<!\\")/', '\"', $str);

This regex will match any " character which is not preceeded by a \ character, and the replace with an escaped quote.

4) A possibly simpler approach which may or may not be a solution for you (and less processor heavy than a Regex) is to simply use a str_replace such as :

$str = str_replace("\"","\\\",$str); 

This replaces any text fitting the shape " with \" but this may cause double escaping if a quote already has an escape mark preceeding it.


  • regex for matching something if it is not preceded by something else

  • use preg_replace to replace character unless an escape character precedes

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