Sending Correct File Size with PHP Download Script

Sending correct file size with PHP download script

Originally from

The CrimsonBase website verifies downloads by passing them through a robust PHP script similar to the one published by Andrew Johnson in his article about PHP-controlled file downloads.

Andrew makes a very important comment at the end of the article:

"If you compress files with Zlib, mod_deflate and so on the Content-Length header won't be accurate so you'll end up seeing "Unknown size" and "Unknown time remaining" when downloading files."

I would like to stress this: if your browser doesn't appear to be obeying the headers generated by your PHP script—especially Content-Length—it is fairly likely that Apache's mod_deflate extension is enabled.

You can easily disable it for a single script using the following line in an applicable .htaccess file:

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/download\.php no-gzip dont-vary

where download.php is here assumed to be in the download script located in the server's root directory path (e.g. (That's because the regular expression is ^/download\.php.)

PHP: Force download header wont show total size and speed

Is the content being compressed at the server level with mod_deflate or something similar?

This has been answered here:
Sending correct file size with PHP download script

"If you compress files with Zlib, mod_deflate and so on the Content-Length header won't be accurate so you'll end up seeing "Unknown size" and "Unknown time remaining" when downloading files."

"You can easily disable it for a single script using the following line in an applicable .htaccess file:

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/download.php no-gzip dont-vary
where download.php is here assumed to be in the download script located in the server's root directory path (e.g. (That's because the regular expression is ^/download.php.)"

Also, please note that your script is insecure. Someone could effectively send the following get parameter for _GET['file']


and it will override your $path restriction entirely.

Suggest stripping out any .. references in the path.

How to download large files through PHP script

If you use fopen and fread instead of readfile, that should solve your problem.

There's a solution in the PHP's readfile documentation showing how to use fread to do what you want.

How to write PHP script for proper file download?

Try putting an exit after readfile , I think that would solve your problem

Downloading files as attachment filesize incorrect

If you open the contents of that file you downloaded in a text editor, you will no doubt see an error message. This is probably because your path starts with /. When you open files from disk, the doc root of your server path is meaningless. You need to specify the real path.

Also, your script is terribly insecure! Anyone can download any file they want off your server. Make sure to check that the file is within the doc root before serving it up. Never let a user just specify any file they want without restriction. You don't want some doing ?file=../../../etc/passwd.

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