Search for PHP Array Element Containing String

Search for PHP array element containing string

To find values that match your search criteria, you can use array_filter function:

$example = array('An example','Another example','Last example');
$searchword = 'last';
$matches = array_filter($example, function($var) use ($searchword) { return preg_match("/\b$searchword\b/i", $var); });

Now $matches array will contain only elements from your original array that contain word last (case-insensitive).

If you need to find keys of the values that match the criteria, then you need to loop over the array:

$example = array('An example','Another example','One Example','Last example');
$searchword = 'last';
$matches = array();
foreach($example as $k=>$v) {
if(preg_match("/\b$searchword\b/i", $v)) {
$matches[$k] = $v;

Now array $matches contains key-value pairs from the original array where values contain (case- insensitive) word last.

search a php array for partial string match

You can use preg_grep function of php. It's supported in PHP >= 4.0.5.

$array = array(0 => 'blue', 1 => 'red', 2 => 'green string', 3 => 'red');
$m_array = preg_grep('/^green\s.*/', $array);

$m_array contains matched elements of array.

Check if string contains a value in array

Try this.

$string = 'my domain name is';
foreach ($owned_urls as $url) {
//if (strstr($string, $url)) { // mine version
if (strpos($string, $url) !== FALSE) { // Yoshi version
echo "Match found";
return true;
echo "Not found!";
return false;

Use stristr() or stripos() if you want to check case-insensitive.

Search for partial string in PHP array? Search value contains hashtag

Remove the starting \b

preg_match("/$searchword\b/i", $var);


Use \B

preg_match("/\B$searchword\b/i", $var);


It's all about word boundaries \b matches between word char and a non-word char or vice-versa. Since the first character is # which is a non-word character and before that character there exists the start of the line boundary. \B is the suitable one for this, which matches between two non-word chars or two word chars. Here start of the line , # so there must exists \B in-between not \b.

PHP Check if array element exists in any part of the string

Just loop the array containing the values, and check if they are found in the input string, using strpos

$colors = array("blue","red","white");

$string = "whitewash"; // I want this to be found in the array

foreach ( $colors as $c ) {

if ( strpos ( $string , $c ) !== FALSE ) {

echo "found";


You can wrap it in a function:

function findString($array, $string) {

foreach ( $array as $a ) {

if ( strpos ( $string , $a ) !== FALSE )
return true;


return false;

var_dump( findString ( $colors , "whitewash" ) ); // TRUE

Check if string contains any value of an array?

Explode $value and convert it into array and then use array_intersect() function in php to check if the string does not contain the value of the array.Use the code below

$value='name >= vivek ';
$array = explode(" ",$value);

$p = array_intersect($search,$array);
$errors = array_filter($p);
//Check if the string is not empty
echo "The string contains an value of array";
echo "The string does not containe the value of an array";


Test the code here

Hope this helps you

Does array element contain substring?

Loop through the $forbiddennames array and use stripos to check if the given input string matches any of the items in the array:

function is_forbidden($forbiddennames, $stringtocheck) 
foreach ($forbiddennames as $name) {
if (stripos($stringtocheck, $name) !== FALSE) {
return true;

And use it like below:

if(is_forbidden($forbiddennames, $stringtocheck)) {
echo "This is a forbidden username.";
} else {
echo "True";


Search in array with relevance

array_filter lets you specify a custom function to do the searching. In your case, a simple function that uses strpos() to check if your search string is present:

function my_search($haystack) {
$needle = 'value to search for';
return(strpos($haystack, $needle)); // or stripos() if you want case-insensitive searching.

$matches = array_filter($your_array, 'my_search');

Alternatively, you could use an anonymous function to help prevent namespace contamination:

$matches = array_filter($your_array, function ($haystack) use ($needle) {
return(strpos($haystack, $needle));

Best way to find a string in a PHP array?

Easiest Way

$array = array('sales_agent', 'admin');

if (in_array($word, $array)) {
echo "admin is in array";

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