Removing Array Index Reference When Using JSON_Encode()

Removing array index reference when using json_encode()

Use array_values() for your issue:

$arr['dates'] = array_values($arr['dates']);
$arr = json_encode($arr);

Why? Because you're unsetting array's key without re-ordering it. So after this the only way to keep that in JSON will be encode keys too. After applying array_values(), however, you'll get ordered keys (starting from 0) which can be encoded properly without including keys.

how remove the array object index in json_encode using php?

Why casting into object? If you just remove the (object) casting it will be done!

$obj['markers']=array( $arr1, $arr2 );



How to remove an item arrays as JSON objects in PHP

As order of keys in your array has changed after removing a certian key, json_encode tries to save this new order. So, you need to reindex your array keys.

For this use array_values, which

indexes the array numerically

$json = [/* your array here */];
echo json_encode(array_values($json));

How to remove array index from json object while convert array to jsonobject php?

First of all, I need to change your code to this to even get the result you're talking about:

$arr = array('id' => $_POST['id'], 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'model' => $_POST['model'], 'color' => $_POST['color']);

$result = json_encode(array('success' => 1, 'message' => "Updated Successfully", $arr));

echo $result;

The problem you are facing with the key "0" is that you cannot have a value in JSON without a key (as other have stated in the comments). Notice that you set the key success and message, but you don't set a key for $arr.

I think you should add a key data or something similar to it like this:

$arr = array('id' => $_POST['id'], 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'model' => $_POST['model'], 'color' => $_POST['color']);

$result = json_encode(array('success' => 1, 'message' => "Updated Successfully", 'data' => $arr));

echo $result;

json_encode returns column name and array index

Use array_filter with ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY flag

$keys = ["col1", "col2", "col3"];
foreach ($query as $row) {
$filtered = array_filter((Array) $row, function($key) use($keys) {
return in_array($key, $keys);
$test = json_encode($filtered);

Notice: If your $row is array not object you don't need to cast it to array (Array) $row

json with no index after unset encode array in php

I searched and tried anyway to implement the behaviour that i searched in my question but i didn't find nothing. I supposed that, like you can see in this answer, unset function adds indices to the array because the JSON_encode not support arrays with hole. So, to solve my problem, i load the JSON file with a jQuery function, delete the elements with jQuery and i call a ajax function to delete the files linked at the address contained in the json file:

$.getJSON('loadauto.json', function(result) {
var y = result;
$.each(result, function(i, field){
if(field.indirizzo_paginaauto == x){
delete result[i];
async: true,
cache: false,
type: 'POST',
url: 'deleteauto.php',
data: { nuovofilejson: y, indirizzo: x},
success: function(data) {
alert ("Auto cancellata definitivamente");
error: function(data) {
alert ("Error");

PHP json_encode creates number index as string instead of an object

Because the array doesn't start with index 0 but with index 1, it's encoded as an JSON object instead of an JSON array.

You can use the array_values() function to remove the indexes and only keep the values.


$ret['testing'] = array_values($ret['testing'])
echo json_encode($ret);

But because you don't need the index at this moment, you can also refactor your code to this:

foreach($data as $index => $value){
if($index < 1){
$ret['test'][] = array(
'val' => $value,
'me' => 'index < 1'
else {
$ret['testing'][] = array(
'val' => $value,
'me' => 'index >= 1'
echo json_encode($ret);

This way, the arrays will always start with index 0.

PHP json_encode as object after PHP array unset()

The reason for that is that your array has a hole in it: it has the indices 0 and 2, but misses 1. JSON can't encode arrays with holes because the array syntax has no support for indices.

You can encode array_values($a) instead, which will return a reindexed array.

indexing JSON in php after removing item

$json = file_get_contents("data2.json");
$data = json_decode($json);


$data->nodes = array_values($data->nodes);

$json = json_encode($data);
file_put_contents("data2.json", $json)

$data->nodes is the array you're modifying and that you need to reset. You do that with:

$data->nodes = array_values($data->nodes);

Note also that I renamed your variables so $json refers to JSON encoded text, and $data refers to decoded arrays/objects.

how to delete indexes on multidimensional arrays in php

Not sure quite what your question is here (please clarify by editing your post).

Your output does not look like a Php array. More like JSON.

When you say remove indexes, could this be from having non sequential 0 counted indexes?

See below:


$people =
'family' => 'rubble'
'name'=> 'wilma',
'family' => 'flintstones'



string(116) "[{"name":"fred","family":"flintstones"},{"name":"barney","family":"rubble"},{"name":"wilma","family":"flintstones"}]"
string(88) "{"0":{"name":"fred","family":"flintstones"},"2":{"name":"wilma","family":"flintstones"}}"
string(80) "[{"name":"fred","family":"flintstones"},{"name":"wilma","family":"flintstones"}]"

You can use array_values to reindex arrays before encoding to JSON to 'remove' those indexes, and turn into a list of objects.

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