Remove Exif Data from Jpg Using PHP

Remove EXIF data from JPG using PHP

Use gd to recreate the graphical part of the image in a new one, that you save with another name.

See PHP gd

edit 2017

Use the new Imagick feature.

Open Image:

$incoming_file = '/Users/John/Desktop/file_loco.jpg';
$img = new Imagick(realpath($incoming_file));

Be sure to keep any ICC profile in the image

    $profiles = $img->getImageProfiles("icc", true);

then strip image, and put the profile back if any


if(!empty($profiles)) {
$img->profileImage("icc", $profiles['icc']);

Comes from this PHP page, see comment from Max Eremin down the page.

How to remove exif from a JPG without losing image quality?

Consider keeping the ICC profile (which causes richer colors) while removing all other EXIF data:

  1. Extract the ICC profile
  2. Strip EXIF data and image profile
  3. Add the ICC profile back

In PHP + imagick:

$profiles = $img->getImageProfiles("icc", true);


$img->profileImage("icc", $profiles['icc']);

(Important note: using the ImageMagick 3.1.0 beta, the result I got from getImageProfiles() was slightly different from the documentation. I'd advise playing around with the parameters until you get an associative array with the actual profile(s).)

For command line ImageMagick:

convert image.jpg profile.icm
convert image.jpg -strip -profile profile.icm output.jpg

Images will get recompressed of course if you use ImageMagick, but at least colors stay intact.

Hope this helps.

Prevent imagejpeg() from saving EXIF data for images (spec. FileDateTime)

Apparently, GD doesn't like when the path to the input / output file is the same, but the credit isn't mine. To fix, use a new (tmp) file to save the newly created image to:

if(!imagecopyresampled($new_cover, $original_cover, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height)){
return false; // Could not copy image
// Create a tmp file.
$cover_new = tempnam('/tmp', 'cover-');
// Use $cover_new instead of $cover
if(!imagejpeg($new_cover, $cover_new, 100)){
return false; // Image could not be saved to tmp file
// Use $cover_new instead of $cover
$file_hash = md5_file($cover_new);
$duplicate_book_cover = $this->find_duplicate_book_cover($book, $file_hash);
return $duplicate_book_cover;
// Use $cover_new instead of $cover
$file_id = $c_consummo->upload_file($cover_new, $filename);

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