Preg_Match Special Characters

preg_match special characters

[\W]+ will match any non-word character.

but to match only the characters from the question, use this:

if(preg_match("/[\[^\'£$%^&*()}{@:\'#~?><>,;@\|\\\-=\-_+\-¬\`\]]/", $string)){
//this string contain atleast one of these [^'£$%^&*()}{@:'#~?><>,;@|\-=-_+-¬`] characters

Preg_match for all special characters, password checking

This pattern would allow all characters that's not a digit or a-Z.


Regarding the \W it's a negated \w, which is the same as [A-Za-z0-9_]. Thus will \W be all characters that's not an english letter, digit or an underscore.

As I mentioned as a comment this is a great resource for learning regex. And here's a good site to test the regex.

preg_match special character like Turkish and other

You probably need to use the u modifier to tell preg_match to treat strings as UTF-8:

$request_uri = 'ülke';

if (preg_match('~/(hashtag)/([[\w.-]+)~u', $request_uri, $match)) {
$pageFor = $match[2];

echo $pageFor; //ülke

preg_match_all for special characters [?]

I just noticed that after ac there is not / in link but you are adding that in regex so just try to remove it or use the below code its working and tested.


$input_lines = '">D';
preg_match_all('/(https:\/\/my\.site\.com\/[u]\/[0]\/(ac)(\?).*\">D)/', $input_lines, $output_array);


This is output -

Or if there are chances that after ac/? can occur then you can try using / as optional parameter in regex


$input_lines = '">D';
preg_match_all('/(https:\/\/my\.site\.com\/[u]\/[0]\/(ac)\/?(\?).*\">D)/', $input_lines, $output_array);


It will match both links with or without /

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