PHP X86 How to Get Filesize of ≫ 2 Gb File Without External Program

PHP x86 How to get filesize of 2 GB file without external program?

I've started project called Big File Tools. It is proven to work on Linux, Mac and Windows (even 32-bit variants). It provides byte-precise results even for huge files (>4GB). Internally it uses brick/math - arbitrary-precision arithmetic library.

Install it using composer.

composer install jkuchar/BigFileTools

and use it:

$file = BigFileTools\BigFileTools::createDefault()->getFile(__FILE__);
echo $file->getSize() . " bytes\n";

Result is BigInteger so you can compute with results

$sizeInBytes = $file->getSize();
$sizeInMegabytes = $sizeInBytes->toBigDecimal()->dividedBy(1024*1024, 2, \Brick\Math\RoundingMode::HALF_DOWN);
echo "Size is $sizeInMegabytes megabytes\n";

Big File Tools internally uses drivers to reliably determine exact file size on all platforms. Here is list of available drivers (updated 2016-02-05)

| Driver           | Time (s) ↓          | Runtime requirements | Platform 
| --------------- | ------------------- | -------------- | ---------
| CurlDriver | 0.00045299530029297 | CURL extension | -
| NativeSeekDriver | 0.00052094459533691 | - | -
| ComDriver | 0.0031449794769287 | COM+.NET extension | Windows only
| ExecDriver | 0.042937040328979 | exec() enabled | Windows, Linux, OS X
| NativeRead | 2.7670161724091 | - | -

You can use BigFileTools with any of these or fastest available is chosen by default (BigFileTools::createDefault())

 use BigFileTools\BigFileTools;
use BigFileTools\Driver;
$bigFileTools = new BigFileTools(new Driver\CurlDriver());

PHP filesize() On Files 2 GB gives a complete and correct means for finding the size of a file larger than 2GB in PHP, without relying on OS-specific interfaces.

The gist of it is that you first use filesize to get the "low" bits, then open+seek the file to determine how many multiples of 2GB it contains (the "high" bits).

The best way to get the file size which greater than 2GB in php?

You can always use the system's file size method.

For Windows:
Windows command for file size only?

@echo off

echo %~z1

For Linux

stat -c %s filenam

You would run these through the exec php command.

Find file size of a remote file without downloading it

This probably has to do with GitHub URL being https. You can tell cURL go ignore the certificate check, by doing:

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

If this doesn't solve the issue, you can add a echo curl_error($curl) before curl_close( $curl ); -- it might help you with debugging.

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