PHP Regex for Validating a Url

PHP validation/regex for URL

I used this on a few projects, I don't believe I've run into issues, but I'm sure it's not exhaustive:

$text = preg_replace(
"'<a href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">$3</a>$4'",

Most of the random junk at the end is to deal with situations like http://domain.example. in a sentence (to avoid matching the trailing period). I'm sure it could be cleaned up but since it worked. I've more or less just copied it over from project to project.

validate url with regular expressions

Try this Expression


It will aceept all the cases that you have mentioned above

regex to check valid url either http or www

see this link may help you.

// Variable to check
$url = "";

// Validate url
if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) {
echo("$url is a valid URL");
} else {
echo("$url is not a valid URL");

PHP regex for validating a URL

You could try this one. I haven't tried it myself but it's surely the biggest regexp I've ever seen, haha.

^(?#Protocol)(?:(?:ht|f)tp(?:s?)\:\/\/|~\/|\/)?(?#Username:Password)(?:\w+:\w+@)?(?#Subdomains)(?:(?:[-\w]+\.)+(?#TopLevel Domains)(?:com|org|net|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|museum|travel|[a-z]{2}))(?#Port)(?::[\d]{1,5})?(?#Directories)(?:(?:(?:\/(?:[-\w~!$+|.,=]|%[a-f\d]{2})+)+|\/)+|\?|#)?(?#Query)(?:(?:\?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d{2}])+=?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)(?:&(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d{2}])+=?(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)*)*(?#Anchor)(?:#(?:[-\w~!$+|.,*:=]|%[a-f\d]{2})*)?$

PHP regex match all urls

This one match correctly all you posted:

preg_match_all('#[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~\#?&//=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b(\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~\#?&//=]*)?#si', $targetString, $result);

Regular expression pattern to match URL with or without http://www

For matching all kinds of URLs, the following code should work:

$regex = "((https?|ftp)://)?"; // SCHEME
$regex .= "([a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=$_.-]+(:[a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=$_.-]+)?@)?"; // User and Pass
$regex .= "([a-z0-9\-\.]*)\.(([a-z]{2,4})|([0-9]{1,3}\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})))"; // Host or IP address
$regex .= "(:[0-9]{2,5})?"; // Port
$regex .= "(/([a-z0-9+$_%-]\.?)+)*/?"; // Path
$regex .= "(\?[a-z+&\$_.-][a-z0-9;:@&%=+/$_.-]*)?"; // GET Query
$regex .= "(#[a-z_.-][a-z0-9+$%_.-]*)?"; // Anchor

Then, the correct way to check against the regex is as follows:

if(preg_match("~^$regex$~i", '', $m))

if(preg_match("~^$regex$~i", '', $m))

Courtesy: Comments made by splattermania in the PHP manual: preg_match

RegEx Demo in regex101

PHP URL validation



^                # start-of-line
(?: # begin non-capturing group
https? # "http" or "https"
:// # "://"
)? # end non-capturing group, make optional
(?: # start non-capturing group
[a-z0-9-]+\. # a name part (numbers, ASCII letters, dashes) & a dot
)* # end non-capturing group, match as often as possible
( # begin group 1 (this will be the domain name)
(?: # start non-capturing group
[a-z0-9-]+\. # a name part, same as above
) # end non-capturing group
[a-z]+ # the TLD
) # end group 1

Php regular expression, url validation, following dots in domain name is valid?

You can use this version of your regex:


The problem was with the \W (together with \w in the same character class) that matched everything, even a new line.

regular expression which validates a relative URL

Just taking it right from what you listed:

$valid = !preg_match('/[^\w.-]/', $name);

You might consider just escaping it using urlencode, depending on the situation.

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