PHP-Intl Installation on Xampp

Xampp Intl extension on windows 10 can't be installed

Xampp setup filename is contain VCXX for example xampp-win32-7.2.5-0-VC15-installer.exe, VC15 mean that PHP compiled with Visual Studio 2017, so you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 to make PHP and Extensions running smoothly, but sometime already installed VC14 or Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 is enough.

You can view list and download Visual C++ Redistributable here

Php-intl installation on XAMPP

These below steps helped me, Just in case if you are using OSX

Steps from

  1. Check which php path is set i.e.

    root$: which php
  2. If you are using xampp on your mac it should be


    but if its


    you need to change your OSx php

    root$: PATH="/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin:${PATH}" 
  3. Install icu4c

    root$: brew install icu4c 
  4. Install Intl via PECL

    root$: sudo pecl update-channels 
    root$: sudo pecl install intl
  5. You can check if Intl was installed successfully

    root$: php -m | grep intl #should return 'intl' 




  • From extensions list in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/php.ini file Add / Uncomment line. And restart Apache. Thanks @pazhyn

  • Before installing "intl" you have to install Autoconf if you have not installed it. Thanks @Digant

    • via Homebrew brew install autoconf automake
    • by running below commands

      curl -OL
      tar xzf autoconf-latest.tar.gz
      cd autoconf-*
      ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
      sudo make install
      cd ..
      rm -r autoconf-*

Symfony doesn't detect intl extension (running on XAMPP)

I don't understand precisely why but this fixed my problem : i updated the Symfony Intl package (from 5.0.4 to 5.0.7) inside my project and the message disappeared.

intl extension: installing php_intl.dll

The packages at all contain the php\_intl.dll which is located in the subdir ext/.

All you have to do is to check if your extension_dir points to the right directory and add (or uncomment) the extension=php\_intl.dll directive.

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