PHP: How to Get All Possible Combinations of 1D Array

PHP: How to get all possible combinations of 1D array?

I believe your professor will be happier with this solution:


$array = array('Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Sigma');

function depth_picker($arr, $temp_string, &$collect) {
if ($temp_string != "")
$collect []= $temp_string;

for ($i=0, $iMax = sizeof($arr); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
$arrcopy = $arr;
$elem = array_splice($arrcopy, $i, 1); // removes and returns the i'th element
if (sizeof($arrcopy) > 0) {
depth_picker($arrcopy, $temp_string ." " . $elem[0], $collect);
} else {
$collect []= $temp_string. " " . $elem[0];

$collect = array();
depth_picker($array, "", $collect);


This solves it:

[0] => Alpha
[1] => Alpha Beta
[2] => Alpha Beta Gamma
[3] => Alpha Beta Gamma Sigma
[4] => Alpha Beta Sigma
[5] => Alpha Beta Sigma Gamma
[6] => Alpha Gamma
[7] => Alpha Gamma Beta
[8] => Alpha Gamma Beta Sigma
[9] => Alpha Gamma Sigma
[10] => Alpha Gamma Sigma Beta
[11] => Alpha Sigma
[12] => Alpha Sigma Beta
[13] => Alpha Sigma Beta Gamma
[14] => Alpha Sigma Gamma
[15] => Alpha Sigma Gamma Beta
[16] => Beta
[17] => Beta Alpha
[18] => Beta Alpha Gamma
[19] => Beta Alpha Gamma Sigma
[20] => Beta Alpha Sigma
[21] => Beta Alpha Sigma Gamma
[22] => Beta Gamma
[23] => Beta Gamma Alpha
[24] => Beta Gamma Alpha Sigma
[25] => Beta Gamma Sigma
[26] => Beta Gamma Sigma Alpha
[27] => Beta Sigma
[28] => Beta Sigma Alpha
[29] => Beta Sigma Alpha Gamma
[30] => Beta Sigma Gamma
[31] => Beta Sigma Gamma Alpha
[32] => Gamma
[33] => Gamma Alpha
[34] => Gamma Alpha Beta
[35] => Gamma Alpha Beta Sigma
[36] => Gamma Alpha Sigma
[37] => Gamma Alpha Sigma Beta
[38] => Gamma Beta
[39] => Gamma Beta Alpha
[40] => Gamma Beta Alpha Sigma
[41] => Gamma Beta Sigma
[42] => Gamma Beta Sigma Alpha
[43] => Gamma Sigma
[44] => Gamma Sigma Alpha
[45] => Gamma Sigma Alpha Beta
[46] => Gamma Sigma Beta
[47] => Gamma Sigma Beta Alpha
[48] => Sigma
[49] => Sigma Alpha
[50] => Sigma Alpha Beta
[51] => Sigma Alpha Beta Gamma
[52] => Sigma Alpha Gamma
[53] => Sigma Alpha Gamma Beta
[54] => Sigma Beta
[55] => Sigma Beta Alpha
[56] => Sigma Beta Alpha Gamma
[57] => Sigma Beta Gamma
[58] => Sigma Beta Gamma Alpha
[59] => Sigma Gamma
[60] => Sigma Gamma Alpha
[61] => Sigma Gamma Alpha Beta
[62] => Sigma Gamma Beta
[63] => Sigma Gamma Beta Alpha

PHP Find All (somewhat) Unique Combinations of an Array

If you don't mind using a couple of global variables, you could do this in PHP (translated from a version in JavaScript):

$result = array();
$combination = array();

function combinations(array $myArray, $choose) {
global $result, $combination;

$n = count($myArray);

function inner ($start, $choose_, $arr, $n) {
global $result, $combination;

if ($choose_ == 0) array_push($result,$combination);
else for ($i = $start; $i <= $n - $choose_; ++$i) {
array_push($combination, $arr[$i]);
inner($i + 1, $choose_ - 1, $arr, $n);
inner(0, $choose, $myArray, $n);
return $result;

print_r(combinations(array(20,20,22,24), 3));


Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 20 
[1] => 20
[2] => 22 )
[1] => Array ( [0] => 20
[1] => 20
[2] => 24 )
[2] => Array ( [0] => 20
[1] => 22
[2] => 24 )
[3] => Array ( [0] => 20
[1] => 22
[2] => 24 ) )

Get all combinations using patterns and store to one array

Not really a complete answer, but might help. Will revisit in future:

It is actually useful to convert your print_r to JSON or an array. This is helpful for that. php-print_r-to-json-online

That at least makes it easy to convert that to an array with the json from above. I made some modifications. You would have to put your json / array into $array.

$array = json_decode($json, true);

$result = array_map( function($a) { return $a['roomInfo']['requestedRoomIndex']; }, $array);
$uniquevalues = array_unique($result);
$configarray = [];
foreach ($uniquevalues as $key => $value) {
$configarray[$value] = array_filter($result, function($v, $k) use ($value) { if ($v == $value) return $v ;}, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH);

function get_combinations($arrays) {
$result = array(array());
foreach ($arrays as $property => $property_values) {
$tmp = array();
foreach ($result as $result_item) {
foreach ($property_values as $property_key => $property_value) {
$tmp[] = $result_item + array(current($property_values) => $property_key);
$result = $tmp;
return $result;

$results = [];
foreach(get_combinations($configarray) as $combo) {
// $results[] = implode($combo, "-");
$results[] = $combo;

Did a little more looking. Still not absolutely certain what you are looking for, but I made some changes.

The results of that are:

[0] => 3
[1] => 3
[2] => 2
[3] => 2
[4] => 1
[0] => Array
[3] => 0
[2] => 2
[1] => 4

[1] => Array
[3] => 0
[2] => 3
[1] => 4

[2] => Array
[3] => 1
[2] => 2
[1] => 4

[3] => Array
[3] => 1
[2] => 3
[1] => 4


The results array has 4 arrays, having the combinations that I think you are looking for ??

How can I get all possible combinations of element in set? (power set)

You can use the following recursion function:

function powerSet($arr) {
if (!$arr) return array([]);
$firstElement = array_shift($arr);
$recursionCombination = powerSet($arr);
$currentResult = [];
foreach($recursionCombination as $comb) {
$currentResult[] = array_merge($comb, [$firstElement]);
return array_merge($currentResult, $recursionCombination );

Now print_r(powerSet([1,2,3])); will give you all those option as arrays.

Edited with adding option of empty array as powerSet

Getting All combinations from an array PHP

try this:

$sizes = array('1','3','3','3','2');
//maximum 6 hours
//minimum number of 3 courses

$possible= array();
function get_comb($previous, $depth){

global $courses;
global $possible;
global $sizes;
global $limit;
global $minimum;

if ($depth>$count){
foreach($previous as $nr=>$course){
if($course !== 0){
//remove zeros

if ($size_of_course<=$limit&&count($previous)>=$minimum){




//either you have this course...
//or you dont..


echo '<pre>';

in the variable previous the courses add up while the function does recursion.

first, i calculate all the possible combinations.
To do this, I thought of the courses as slots:

whether you take the course or not, possibilities:
course a course b
yes yes
yes no
no yes
no no

this is done with this part of the function. It is a recursive function, so it calls itself within the function:

function get_comb($previous, $depth){       
//either you have this course...
//or you dont..

assuming this:

$courses=array('course a','course b');

the recursive function calls would look like this (0 means, you dont take that course):

after that, if they fit the requirements I save the possibility in $possible:
because depth=3 and count=2, $depth>$count so this part of the code comes into play:

if ($depth>$count){
foreach($previous as $nr=>$course){
if($course !== 0){
//the index of $previous is the same as in $courses and $sizes, so
//$previous[1],$courses[1],$sizes[1] is logicaly referring to the same course
//add up all sizes of the courses that are used in this possibility
//remove zeros

//the size of the course has to be lower or same as the size limit
//now without the zeros, count($previous) gives you the amount of courses taken in this possibility
if ($size_of_course<=$limit&&count($previous)>=$minimum){
//if it fits, save this possibility in the $possible array



hope i could help you.


to archieve this: 'if there is computer(lec) it would only accept it as a possible combination if computer(lab) is also present':
replace $possible[]=$previous; with:

           //further conditions are placed here

//IMPORTANT: the name of the courses down here (in_array('Computer(lec)') have to be EXACTLY the same as in the array $courses.
//e.g. if in $courses array the name is 'computer(lec)' and down here it's 'Computer(lec)' (uppercase) or 'computer (lec)' (space) it DOES NOT WORK!

//if Computer(lec) is present...
//Computer(lab) has to be present too
else {
//if its not present dont save
//do nothing
//if computer(lec) is not present, no problem, just save

so the finished code would be

$sizes = array('1','1','2','2');
//maximum 6 hours
//minimum 3 courses

$possible= array();
function get_comb($previous, $depth){

global $courses;
global $possible;
global $sizes;
global $limit;
global $minimum;

//the end of the $courses array is reached
if ($depth>$count){
foreach($previous as $nr=>$course){
if($course !== 0){
//the index of $previous is the same as in $courses and $sizes, so
//$previous[1],$courses[1],$sizes[1] is logicaly referring to the same course
//add up all sizes of the courses that are used in this possibility
//remove zeros

//the size of the course has to be lower or same as the size limit
//now without the zeros, count($previous) gives you the amount of courses taken in this possibility

if ($size_of_course<=$limit&&count($previous)>=$minimum){
//further conditions are placed here

//IMPORTANT: the name of the courses down here (in_array('Computer(lec)') have to be EXACTLY the same as in the array $courses.
//e.g. if in $courses array the name is 'computer(lec)' and down here it's 'Computer(lec)' (uppercase) or 'computer (lec)' (space) it DOES NOT WORK!

//if Computer(lec) is present...
//Computer(lab) has to be present too
else {
//if its not present dont save
//do nothing
//if computer(lec) is not present, no problem, just save



//either you have this course...
//or you dont..


echo '<pre>';

How to generate in PHP all combinations of items in multiple arrays

Here is recursive solution:

function combinations($arrays, $i = 0) {
if (!isset($arrays[$i])) {
return array();
if ($i == count($arrays) - 1) {
return $arrays[$i];

// get combinations from subsequent arrays
$tmp = combinations($arrays, $i + 1);

$result = array();

// concat each array from tmp with each element from $arrays[$i]
foreach ($arrays[$i] as $v) {
foreach ($tmp as $t) {
$result[] = is_array($t) ?
array_merge(array($v), $t) :
array($v, $t);

return $result;


PHP Get all combinations between 2 arrays


$array1 = array('A', 'B');
$array2 = array('1', '2', '3');

$num = count($array2);
$comb = array();

//The total number of possible combinations
$total = pow(2, $num);

//Loop through each possible combination
for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++)
$flag = '';
//For each combination check if each bit is set
for ($j = 0; $j < $num; $j++)
//Is bit $j set in $i?
if (pow(2, $j) & $i)
$flag = $flag.''.$array2[$j];
$comb[] = $flag;

// Now $comb has all the possible combinations of $array2
// Just loop it through the other array and concat

$result = array();
foreach($array1 as $val)
foreach($comb as $co)
$result[] = $val."".$co;



[0] => A1
[1] => A2
[2] => A12
[3] => A3
[4] => A13
[5] => A23
[6] => A123
[7] => B1
[8] => B2
[9] => B12
[10] => B3
[11] => B13
[12] => B23
[13] => B123


Get all possible combinations of a PHP Array split in two

Just googled and found these results from

Get all combinations of a PHP array

algorithm that will take numbers or words and find all possible combinations

PHP: How to get all possible combinations of 1D array?

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