PHP - Getsqlvaluestring Function

PHP - GetSQLValueString function

Your function escapes the string using MySQL's built-in string escaping function, then if it is a non-numeric value, surrounding it in single quotes. This function was written for inserting variable data into SQL queries.

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = " . GetSQLValueString($_GET['username'], 'text');
$result = mysql_query($sql);

Fatal error: Call to undefined function getsqlvaluestring()

Fatal error: Call to undefined function getsqlvaluestring()

It means that there is no such a function.
I guess that this function is another file and you forgot to include it.

mysqli_real_escape_string () can't find my $connSQL

You are getting $connSQL from connSQL.php but it is a global variable, simply add:

global $connSQL;

inside your "if" statement to be able to catch your variable.

PHP Validation Failure

if (strlen(isset($_POST['password'])) < 8) {

would you try to strlen on and boolean
so try to

if(isset($_POST['password'] && strlen($_POST['password']) < 8) {

Moreover you do this

if (isset($_POST['password']) !== isset($_POST['passwordconfirm'])) {

which do not check if the passwords are equals, it check if there is one set and one not
this should something like this

if (isset($_POST['password'],$_POST['passwordconfirm']) 
&& $_POST['password'] !== $_POST['passwordconfirm']) {

same here

if (filter_var(isset($_POST['email']), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {

should be

if (isset($_POST['email']) && !filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {

You may look at the documentation for
isset(), strlen()

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