Php Echo Add Spaces

How can I add space in PHP between two outputs

use the below code

echo 'Welcome '.$_GET['name'];

  is the html entity code for creating an single space character.

You can also use the below code:

echo 'Welcome '.$_GET['name'];

Will also work because one empty space is interpreted by the browsers directly.

How can I add spaces in PHP?

I assume that you're echoing this to a browser, in which case, & nbsp;

must be used.

echo $row['st_id'],  "  " , $row['em_name'], " ",  $row['st_bday'], "",  $row['st_emirate'] , "",  $row['em_id'], " ",  $row['em_name'],'<br />';

PHP echo add spaces

A better way would be not to add more spaces, but add a margin:

<span class="white-text" style="margin-right: 5em;">

Change 5em to some other number to change the amount of space.

PHP adds a space when echo

I could reproduce your issue...
The thing is, when you have double quotes on a quoted attribute, it seems to do that.

<a class="over" onclick="update(" bv", "code", "yes")">Beverwijk</a>

Solution: use single quotes on the function parameters, escaping them.

$route = '<a class="over" onclick="update(\''.$info->getData("code").'\', \'code\' \'yes\')">'.$expl[$b].'</a>, ';


<a class="over" onclick="update('BV', 'code' 'yes')">Beverwijk</a>,

Hope this helps.

add space in html when using php echo

echo "$itemName value2";

If you use double quotes, you can drop the variable right in there, no concatenation needed!

<article id="portfolio-item-1" data-loader="include/ajax/portfolio-ajax-image.php" class="<?php echo "$itemName value2"; ?>">

How to add space with specified string length in php

I did with my self with following way..

echo str_pad($string, 30, "  ", STR_PAD_RIGHT).$secondString;


How do i add space between this php variables

You're generating invalid HTML. This:

'<option value='. $spName . ' ' . $spPro .'>'
^--- WITH the added space

Will produce something like this:

<option value=SomeName SomeProfession>

The browser has no way of knowing that these two values are part of the same attribute. In short, you forgot the quotes. You want to generate something like this:

<option value="SomeName SomeProfession">

So put the quotes in your code:

'<option value="'. $spName . ' ' . $spPro .'">'

In short, always look at the actual HTML that's in your web browser when debugging this. Don't just look at what ends up in the database somewhere downstream in the system, but look at the actual steps which lead to that downstream result. Invalid HTML is often fairly obvious to see when you look at the HTML itself.

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