Notice: Undefined Offset: 0 In

How to avoid PHP Notice Undefined offset: 0 without checking each field of array

Yes, add @ before the field like:

$keyvisual_data = array(
'video_file' => @$row->field_field_video[0]['rendered']['#item']['uri'],
'bild_file' => @$row->field_field_bild[0]['rendered']['#item']['uri'],
'subline_src' => @$row->_field_data['nid']['entity']->field_key_titel['und'][0]['safe_value'],
'screenreader_src' => @$row->field_field_alt_screenreader[0]['rendered']['#markup'],
'alt_src' => @$row->field_field_bild[0]['rendered']['#item']['alt']

and then initialize the nulls:

if($keyvisual_data['video_file'] === null)
$keyvisual_data['video_file'] = $default_video_file;


PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0

To replicate this:

$cct = 0;
$contexttext = array();
$contexttext[$cct] .= 'test';

Here 'test' is being appended to $contexttext[$cct], which evaluates to: $contexttext[0]. However there is nothing at [0] yet, because it's an empty array, we can't append to something that doesn't exist

If however you'd done this:

$cct = 0;
$contexttext = array();
$contexttext[$cct] = '';
$contexttext[$cct] .= 'test';

Then the notice would dissapear, because now when we append a string, we have something to append it to

Notice: Undefined offset: 0....override/classes/Category.php on line 18

Your sql does not return any records.

2 Reasons for this:

  1. There are no images in the table ...image (which may be correct)


  1. The product_id which is getting passed to your method is not correct.

How to fix?

Case 1:

$result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);

if (empty($result)) {
return null; // you may have to deal with this null if you arent already

return $result[0]['id_product'].'-'.$result[0]['id_image'];

Case 2:

Check the code which calls getProductsImgSupp to see if the right id is passed.

PHP - undefined offset: 0

You can use isset() for check the array:

echo $p->attachments[0]->url;
else {
//some error?

Or if you know that you are only going to be checking index 0 then you can do this way

$array = $array + array(null);

So if the original $array[0] was unset, now it is null

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 - My array contains values

According to the PHP documentation, odbc_fetch_array fetches a result row and returns it as an associative array, or returns false if there are no more rows.

Being an associative array, the index of the first item (COUNT(*)) should not be [0]. To be honest, I don't know why it apparently is.

I would suggest this: first alias the count in your SQL, like

SELECT COUNT(*) AS rowcount ...

Then reference that alias after you fetch the result.

if($nombre['rowcount'] > 0) ...

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 foreach

This is what you got :


This give you this array :

Array ( 
[Items] =>
Array (
[0] => Array (
[SKU] => 123
[Quantity] => 13
[ProductName] => tet prod
[Description] => blah blah ...

And this is what you do :

foreach ($result_arr[0]["http_response_body"]["Items"] as $key => $value) {

You get Notice: Undefined offset: 0just because as you can see there is no $result_arr[0] in your array.

So just do :

foreach ($result_arr["Items"] as $key => $value) {

And it should works !

Hope it helps

Problems with arrays: Notice: Undefined offset: 0

Check Isset in your error line.
The isset () function is used to check whether a variable is set or not The isset() function return false if testing variable contains a NULL value.

   for($i = 0; $i < count($aDataTableDetailHTML); $i++)
for($j = 0; $j < count($aDataTableHeaderHTML); $j++)
$aTempData[$i][$aDataTableHeaderHTML[$j]] = $aDataTableDetailHTML[$i][$j];

Please assist me in resolving an Undefined offset: 0 in /public_html/wp-content/themes/modus-child/functions.php on line 51

$featured seems to be an empty array so you should first check if it contains elements:

if(count($featured) > 0 && $featured[0]=="Featured")

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