Multiple Index Variables in PHP Foreach Loop

Multiple index variables in PHP foreach loop

to achieve just that result you could do

foreach (array_combine($courses, $sections) as $course => $section)

but that only works for two arrays

php: foreach() how to assign to two variables

It does not work the way you outline with your pseudo code. However, the SPL offers a way to iterate multiple iterators at once. It's called MultipleIterator and you can attach as many iterators as you like:

$multi = new MultipleIterator();
$multi->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($array1));
$multi->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($array2));

foreach($multi as $value)
list($key1, $key2) = $multi->key();
list($value1, $value2) = $value;

See it in action: Demo

Edit: The first example shows a suggestion from the SPL. It has the benefit that it can deal with any kind of iterators, not only arrays. If you want to express something similar with arrays, you can achieve something similar with the classic while(list()=each()) loop, which allows more expressions than foreach.

(list($key1, $value1) = each($array1))
&& (list($key2, $value2) = each($array2))
printf("%s => %s, %s => %s \n", $key1, $value1, $key2, $value2);

Demo (the minimum number of elements are iterated)

See as well a related question: Multiple index variables in PHP foreach loop

Foreach multiple variables

Maybe this will do the trick.

function get_order_item_lines($skus = '', $qty = '')
$xml = '';

if (!empty($skus) && is_array($skus))
foreach ($skus as $key => $sku)
$skuUpper = strtoupper($sku); // change to upper

if ($skuUpper != 'WANHAO-STICKER'
&& strpos($skuUpper, 'NWS-', 0) === false) // string not contains..
$xml .= "<L>".PHP_EOL;
$xml .= "<P>" . $sku . "</P>".PHP_EOL;
$xml .= "<Q>" . (empty($qty[$key]) ? "" : $qty[$key]) . "</Q>".PHP_EOL;
$xml .= "</L>".PHP_EOL;
$skus = explode( ",", $skus );

if ( !empty( $skus[0] ) && !empty( $qty[0] ) )
$skuUpper = strtoupper($skus[0]); // change to upper

if ($skuUpper != 'WANHAO-STICKER'
&& strpos($skuUpper, 'NWS-', 0) === false)
$xml .= "<L>".PHP_EOL;
$xml .= "<P>" . trim( $skus[0] ) . "</P>".PHP_EOL;
$xml .= "<Q>" . (empty($qty[0]) ? "" : $qty[0]) . "</Q>".PHP_EOL;
$xml .= "</L>".PHP_EOL;

return $xml;

How to pass multiple variables in foreach php

Main problem is that $short_smas and $mid_smas have different size. Moreover they are associative arrays so either you pick unique keys from both and will allow for empty values for keys that have only one value available or you pick only keys present in both arrays. Code below provides first solution.

// first lets pick unique keys from both arrays
$uniqe_keys = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($short_smas), array_keys($mid_smas)));
// alternatively we can only pick those present in both
// $intersect_keys = array_intersect(array_keys($short_smas),array_keys($mid_smas));

// now lets build sql in loop as Marcelo Agimóvel sugested
// firs we need base command:
$sql = "INSERT INTO sma (short_sma, mid_sma) VALUES ";

// now we add value pairs to coma separated list of values to
// insert using keys from prepared keys array
foreach ($uniqe_keys as $key) {
$mid_sma = array_key_exists($key, $mid_smas)?$mid_smas[$key]:"";
$short_sma = array_key_exists($key, $short_smas)?$short_smas[$key]:"";
// here we build coma separated list of value pairs to insert
$sql .= "('$short_sma', '$mid_sma'),";
$sql = rtrim($sql, ",");

// with data provided in question $sql should have string:
// INSERT INTO sma (short_sma, mid_sma) VALUES, ('3.5', ''), ('4.5', ''), ('5.5', ''), ('6.5', '5'), ('7.5', '6'), ('8.5', '7'), ('9.5', '8'), ('10.5', '9'), ('11.5', '10'), ('12.5', '11')

// now we execute just one sql command
if ($con->query($sql) === TRUE) {
echo "New records created successfully<br><br>";
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $con->error;

// don't forget to close connection

Marcelo Agimóvel also suggested that instead of multiple inserts like this:

INSERT INTO tbl_name (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3);

its better to use single:

INSERT INTO tbl_name

That's why I append value pairs to $sql in foreach loop and execute query outside loop.

Also its worth mentioning that instead of executing straight sql its better to use prepared statements as they are less prone to sql injection.

How to pass multiple values with a common index key in a foreach loop?

foreach (array_keys($_POST['column1']) as $key) {
$value = $_POST['column1'][$key];
$value1 = $_POST['column2'][$key];
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE table SET column1 = ?, column2 = ? WHERE id = ?");

Two arrays in foreach loop

foreach( $codes as $code and $names as $name ) { }

That is not valid.

You probably want something like this...

foreach( $codes as $index => $code ) {
echo '<option value="' . $code . '">' . $names[$index] . '</option>';

Alternatively, it'd be much easier to make the codes the key of your $names array...

$names = array(
'tn' => 'Tunisia',
'us' => 'United States',

PHP foreach loop with multiple index variables

This way is not really good at all. The textfields will be posted not matter if they're empty or has content, while the checkboxes only is posted when checked. This will cause the arrays to be of different length and array_combine will fail.

Do a print_r($_POST) and you'll see what input is posted.

And that's not even considering the security nightmare this will create.

Calculations multiple arrays in foreach loop?

As CBroe stated in the comments, you can just use the key/index in the foreach loop to create the sum

$data = [
'indexname0' => 'group-id',
'indexname1' => 'name of 1st-item',
'indexname2' => 'state of 1st-item',
'indexname3' => 93.42,
'indexname4' => 'unit of 1st-item',
'indexname0' => 'group-id',
'indexname1' => 'name of 1st-item',
'indexname2' => 'state of 1st-item',
'indexname3' => 93.12,
'indexname4' => 'unit of 1st-item',
'indexname0' => 'group-id',
'indexname1' => 'name of 1st-item',
'indexname2' => 'state of 1st-item',
'indexname3' => 89.92,
'indexname4' => 'unit of 1st-item',
'indexname0' => 'group-id',
'indexname1' => 'name of 1st-item',
'indexname2' => 'state of 1st-item',
'indexname3' => 89.70,
'indexname4' => 'unit of 1st-item',

foreach($data as $index => $value) {
if (!isset($data[$index+1])) continue;
echo $data[$index+1]['indexname3'] - $data[$index]['indexname3'].'<br />';


PHP - Use multiple values in foreach loop

php > $a = [1, 2, 3];
php > $b = [4, 5, 6];
php > $c = array_map(function($x, $y){ return $x + $y; }, $a, $b);
php > print_r($c);
[0] => 5
[1] => 7
[2] => 9
php > print_r(implode($c, '|') . '|');

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