Modify an Existing PHP Function to Return a String

Modify an Existing PHP Function to Return a String

You can make use of output bufferingDocs to get the output of that function:

$html = ob_get_clean();

If you need that more than once, you can wrap it into a function of it's own:

* call a function and return it's output as string.
* @param callback $function
* @param array $arguments (optional)
* @param var $return (optional) the return value of the callback
* @return string function output
function ob_get_call($function, array $arguments = array(), &$return = NULL)
$return = call_user_func_array($function, $arguments);
$buffer = ob_get_clean();
return $buffer;


$html = ob_get_call('get_header');

As the answer is that popular today, here is another function to get the output of an include:

* include a file and return it's output as string.
* @param string $file
* @param array $variables (optional) keys as variable names and values as variable values
* @param var $includeReturn (optional) the return value of the include
* @return string function output
function ob_get_include($file, array $variables = array(), &$includeReturn = NULL)
$includeFilename = $file;
$includeReturn = include($includeFilename);
return ob_get_clean();



<div class="greeting">
Hello <em><?php echo htmlspecialchars($name); ?></em>!


$variables = array(
'name' => 'Marianne',
$html = ob_get_include('include.php', $vars);


  • Answer to *Load result of php code instead of the code as a string
  • Answer to Is include()/require() with “side effects” a bad practice?

PHP Function to return string

You should simply store the return value in a variable:

$deliveryPrice = getDeliveryPrice(12);
echo $deliveryPrice; // will print 20

The $deliveryPrice variable above is a different variable than the $deliveryPrice inside the function. The latter is not visible outside the function because of variable scope.

Modify string, PHP

Something like this:

$final = substr($initial,0,4).'/'.substr($initial,4,2).'/'.substr($initial,6,2)

Use substr.

modify a method/function at runtime

Look into anonymous functions. If you can run PHP 5.3 that might be more along the lines of what you're trying to do.

PHP Modify a single line in a text file

This should works! :)

$file = "./users.txt";
$fh = fopen($file,'r+');

// string to put username and passwords
$users = '';

while(!feof($fh)) {

$user = explode(',',fgets($fh));

// take-off old "\r\n"
$username = trim($user[0]);
$password = trim($user[1]);

// check for empty indexes
if (!empty($username) AND !empty($password)) {
if ($username == 'mahdi') {
$password = 'okay';

$users .= $username . ',' . $password;
$users .= "\r\n";

// using file_put_contents() instead of fwrite()
file_put_contents('./users.txt', $users);


Return Results of a Function Within a Variable to Change the Varible

I did manage to solve this.

${'omni'.posicionnavbar($tabs['position'])} .= $nuevo_tab;

thanks to PHP Cookbook

Knowing the proper symbols to link the variables together, I got rid of the switch and function altogether. The way I have this set up ${'omni'.$tabs['position']} .= $nuevo_tab; is enough to get the job done.

how to get the result from a php file into a string

include 'template.php';
$result = ob_get_clean()

this should do, the $result is the string you need

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