Laravel 5 How to Get Route Action Name

Laravel 5 how to get route action name?

In Laravel 5 you should be using Method or Constructor injection. This will do what you want:

<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Routing\Route;

class HomeController extends Controller
public function getIndex(Route $route)
echo 'getIndex';
echo $route->getActionName();

Laravel: How to Get Current Route Name? (v5 ... v7)

Try this




from v5.1

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
$currentPath= Route::getFacadeRoot()->current()->uri();

Laravel v5.2

Route::currentRouteName(); //use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Or if you need the action name


Laravel 5.2 route documentation

Retrieving The Request URI

The path method returns the request's URI. So, if the incoming request is targeted at, the path method will return foo/bar:

$uri = $request->path();

The is method allows you to verify that the incoming request URI matches a given pattern. You may use the * character as a wildcard when utilizing this method:

if ($request->is('admin/*')) {

To get the full URL, not just the path info, you may use the url method on the request instance:

$url = $request->url();

Laravel v5.3 ... v5.8

$route = Route::current();

$name = Route::currentRouteName();

$action = Route::currentRouteAction();

Laravel 5.3 route documentation

Laravel v6.x...7.x

$route = Route::current();

$name = Route::currentRouteName();

$action = Route::currentRouteAction();

** Current as of Nov 11th 2019 - version 6.5 **

Laravel 6.x route documentation

There is an option to use request to get route


How to get the action from a given laravel route name?

You could use the Route Facade.

// "App\Http\Controllers\TestController@index"

or the array with the whole action data:


"middleware" => "web",
"as" => "test",
"uses" => "App\Http\Controllers\TestController@index",
"controller" => "App\Http\Controllers\TestController@index",
"namespace" => "App\Http\Controllers",
"prefix" => null,
"where" => [],

Get current route action name from middleware in laravel 5

You cannot get the route action name if the router has not yet been dispatched. The router class has not yet done its stuff - so you cannot do $router->request() - it will just be null.

If it runs as routeMiddleware as $routeMiddleware - then you can just do $router->request()

You can get the URI string in the middleware before the router has run - and do some logic there if you like: $request->segments(). i.e. that way you can see if the URI segment matches a specific route and run some code.


One way I can quickly think of is just wrap all your routes in a group like this:

$router->group(['middleware' => 'permissionsHandler'], function() use ($router) {
// Have every single route here

How to get name of requested controller and action in middleware Laravel

Laravel 5.6:


Laravel 5.5 and lower:

You can retrieve the current action name with Route::currentRouteAction(). Unfortunately, this method will return a fully namespaced class name. So you will get something like:


Then just separate method name and controller name:

$currentAction = \Route::currentRouteAction();
list($controller, $method) = explode('@', $currentAction);
// $controller now is "App\Http\Controllers\FooBarController"

$controller = preg_replace('/.*\\\/', '', $controller);
// $controller now is "FooBarController"

Laravel 5.x How to obtain the controller name using a route name?

As an example, this will give you information for the register route:


This will give you an array of all the information you should need:

"middleware" => [
"uses" => "App\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm",
"controller" => "App\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm",
"namespace" => "App\Http\Controllers",
"prefix" => null,
"where" => [],
"as" => "register",

If you're doing this alot, you can add a macro in your RouteServiceProvider:

public function register()
Route::macro('getByName', function($name) {
return $this->getRoutes()->getByName($name);

and now you can simply do
Route::getByName('register') to get all the route information.

Laravel 5 - how to get action names (for getting urls in templates with route() function) from routes defined using Route::controllers()?

You can set the names for different controller actions when using Route::controller:

Route::controller('auth', 'Auth\AuthController', [
'getLogin' => 'auth.login',
'getLogout' => 'auth.logout',
// and so on

However you may also use the action() helper instead of route() or url(). It let's you specify the controller and method you want to generate an URL for:


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