In Laravel How to Add Values to a Request Array

In Laravel is there a way to add values to a request array?

Usually, you do not want to add anything to a Request object, it's better to use collection and put() helper:

function store(Request $request) 
// some additional logic or checking
User::create(array_merge($request->all(), ['index' => 'value']));

Or you could union arrays:

User::create($request->all() + ['index' => 'value']);

But, if you really want to add something to a Request object, do this:

$request->request->add(['variable' => 'value']); //add request

How to add variables to request()-all()? (Laravel 6.0)

Try this.

$time = time();
$input = $request->all();
$input['serviceSite'] = 'companyname';
$input['serviceOrderedTime'] = $time;

Make sure serviceSite and serviceOrderedTime fillable in your model.

IF you want to merge it with $request then you can do like this.


As your Way.

  $time = time(); 
$request->request->add(['serviceSite' => 'companyname','serviceOrderedTime'=>$time]);

Add nested array to Laravel request

A better and faster approach is:

$event = $request->request->get('my-event');
$event['event-approved'] = "0";

NOTE that it will NOT override any existing fields of my-event array except only set the event-approved field.

Or if you want a one-liner try:


There is no other short-hand method for this kind of manipulation

adding float as values to a request array in laravel

Try this code

 $data = $request->only(
$data['grandtotal'] = (float) str_replace(',', '', $request->grandtotal);
$orders = Orders::create($data);

Create new array in Laravel blade to create array within request


<input type="checkbox" name="agreements[{{$agreement->id}}]" id="{{ $agreement->id }}" value="{{ $agreement->id }}">

How to add item to an array inside a collection in Laravel

The easiest way it to get the associative array from the request and play with it.

$myRequest = $request->all();
$myRequest['address'] = ['state' => 'test'];

otherwise, you have to modify the request object you need to add this code:

'address' => $myRequest


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