Howto Generate JSON with Smarty

Howto generate json with smarty?

This should work. The @ makes smarty run the modifier against the whole array, otherwise it does it for each element.


If $escape_html is enabled, you will need to use nofilter:

{$myarray|@json_encode nofilter}

How to print a json in Smarty

You have 2 possible solutions.

First solution

in PHP you use:

$data = '[
"first_name": "jinu",
"last_name": "mk",
"loginid": "",
"timezone": "5.5",
"team_id": "c964ef415f157ddd99173f5b481ee1e3",
"user_type": 1,
"last_login_date": null
"first_name": "avatar second",
"last_name": "test",
"loginid": "",
"timezone": "5.5",
"team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
"user_type": "3",
"last_login_date": null
"first_name": "avatar testing admin",
"last_name": "amt 1",
"loginid": "",
"timezone": "5.5",
"team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
"user_type": 1,
"last_login_date": null


In Smarty you use:

{foreach from=$games|json_decode item=foo}

However I'm not sure in this case if json_decode is run on $games just once or on each invocation.

Second solution

In PHP you use:

$data = '[
"first_name": "jinu",
"last_name": "mk",
"loginid": "",
"timezone": "5.5",
"team_id": "c964ef415f157ddd99173f5b481ee1e3",
"user_type": 1,
"last_login_date": null
"first_name": "avatar second",
"last_name": "test",
"loginid": "",
"timezone": "5.5",
"team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
"user_type": "3",
"last_login_date": null
"first_name": "avatar testing admin",
"last_name": "amt 1",
"loginid": "",
"timezone": "5.5",
"team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
"user_type": 1,
"last_login_date": null


In Smarty file:

{foreach from=$games item=foo}

I always recommend using second method, because if possible in Smarty you should avoid using any calculations and just display data.

transforming array into json - smarty

Does this help?

$myArray = array(
"x" => "Sat",
"y" => "6",
"x" => "Sun",
"y" => "10",

$json = json_encode($myArray);


Output: [{"x":"Sat","y":"6"},{"x":"Sun","y":"10"}]

Pretty print json object in smarty

The easiest thing to do is to convert the object to an associative array, and then parse it. The function would look like this:

function format_json($array, $indent) {

$indent_text = '';

for ($ii = 0;$ii < $indent; $ii++)
$indent_text .= ' ';

echo '<br />'.$indent_text.'{<br />';

foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
echo $indent_text.'"'.$key.'" : ';
if (is_array($value))
format_json( $value, $indent + 1 );
else echo '"'.$value.'"; <br />';
echo $indent_text.'}<br />';

<pre><code><?php format_json(json_decode($your_json_object, true), 0); ?></code></pre>

Obviously, you can style the tag and change the indentation any way you want.

Is it possible to pass smarty functions into json html output?

Maybe value.comment just needs quotes:

html += '<p>{"'+value.comment+'"|smarty_modifier_autolink|nl2br|mention}</p>';

Have a look at this:

Normally after { there should be a smarty plugin, php variable or smarty command. If you want to add a modifier to a content string then you have to surround it by quotes.

How to parse/decode JSON object in smarty template?

JSON string is just string. To access its members you have to create array/object from this string:

{foreach from=$items item=entry}
{* create array from JSON string*}
{assign var=person value=$entry->nb_persons|json_decode:1}

How to insert json string into smarty template?

My issue was that smarty converted quotes and other stuff to html entities. The answer is to add nofilter parameter to the template variable

var groups = {$groups nofilter};

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