How to Use Pdo's Prepared Statement for Order by and Limit Clauses

SQL ORDER BY using prepared statements

Look at these links:

Mysqli Prepare Statements + Binding Order BY

As the link you found states, you cannot use bind variables
for identifiers. You'll need a workaround. mysql_real_escape_char
would certainly be one way.

... and ...

How do I use pdo's prepared statement for order by and limit clauses?

For this reason the ORDER BY fields should form part of the SQL string
passed into the prepare() method, rather than being bound to the
query prior to execute().



Since you're already effectively validating the column names and "ASC/DESC" clause before your "prepare", there's no danger of SQL Injection.

I'd just build the string:

$sql = 
"SELECT * FROM messages WHERE " .
"receiver = :id AND rhide = 0 " .
"ORDER BY " . $sortingby . " " . $orderingby;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$messages = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Error while using PDO prepared statements and LIMIT in query

Regarding to post LIMIT keyword on MySQL with prepared statement , the code below could solve my problem.


Thanks Álvaro G. Vicario and Maerlyn

How to use prepared statement to set fetch & offset values with PDO sqlsrv?

Try this:

$statement = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM livro ORDER BY id OFFSET CAST(:offset AS INT) ROWS FETCH NEXT CAST(:limit AS INT) ROWS ONLY');
$statement->execute(['offset' => 0, 'limit' => 5]);
$livro = $statement->fetch();

My PDO Prepared Statement is not working with a fetchALL and Limit

replace the below line



$stmt->bindParam(1, $somequantity, PDO::PARAM_INT);

LIMIT keyword on MySQL with prepared statement

Here's the problem:

$comments = $db->prepare($query); 
/* where $db is the PDO object */
$comments->execute(array($post, $min, $max));

The manual page for PDOStatement::execute() says (emphasis mine):


input_parameters An array of values with as many elements as there are
bound parameters in the SQL statement being executed. All values are
treated as PDO::PARAM_STR

Thus your parameters are getting inserted as strings, so the final SQL code looks like this:

LIMIT '0', '10'

This is a particular case where MySQL will not cast to number but trigger a parse error:

mysql> SELECT 1 LIMIT 0, 10;
| 1 |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT 1 LIMIT '0', '10';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''0', '10'' at line 1

What docs have to say:

The LIMIT clause can be used to constrain the number of rows
returned by the SELECT statement. LIMIT takes one or two numeric
arguments, which must both be nonnegative integer constants, with
these exceptions:

  • Within prepared statements, LIMIT parameters can be specified using ? placeholder markers.

  • Within stored programs, LIMIT parameters can be specified using integer-valued routine parameters or local variables.

Your choices include:

  • Bind parameters one by one so you can set a type:

    $comments->bindParam(1, $post, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $comments->bindParam(2, $min, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $comments->bindParam(3, $min, PDO::PARAM_INT);
  • Do not pass those values as parameters:

    $query = sprintf('SELECT id, content, date
    FROM comment
    WHERE post = ?
    ORDER BY date DESC
    LIMIT %d, %d', $min, $max);
  • Disable emulated prepares (the MySQL driver has a bug/feature that will make it quote numeric arguments):

    $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, FALSE);

How to split a multi-value WHERE clause into multiple primitives to use with PDO prepared statements in PHP

Ok, I wrote a parser just for you. But a few things first.

This is not as trivial as it may first seem. Whenever you allow users to input "stuff" directly into sql you have to be very careful. So this method I use provides some level of sanitation to the data. This is because all the "bits" must match regular expressions to pass through. None of these provide quotes, backslashes or other things useful to sql injection. The only exception to that is the regular expression for encapsulated strings (strings within single quotes).

I must stress however that this is not a guarantee that it's impossible to pass SQL Injection code through it. I say this because I've spent very little time on it and tested it very little. The thing to remember is any part of that query string is susceptible to sql injection, not just the values. If you allow a user to pass in something like this:

   "title = 'home' and description = 'this is just an example'"

They could just pass in this:


Now there are protections against running multiple queries, but my point is simply doing a string replace or a simple Regx is not enough for this. I also added in a list of "Banned" words. These words cannot be used without enclosing them in single quotes. They are common operations in MySQL that should not be present in the WHERE clause. Some examples would be:

  • DROP
  • SHOW

etc... Now because they are not defined in the switch statement within the function parse they will get picked up by the default case, which throws an exception.

There are also a lot of variation, I tried covering the most common things. These were not present in you examples. What I mean by this is stuff like so:

  • "title = 'home' OR title = 'user'" multiple uses of the same column (with different values)
  • "title IN('home','user', 'foo', 1, 3)" IN
  • "title IS NOT NULL" NULLs
  • Other operations, you only had = I included this regx '=|\<|\>|\>=|\<=|\<\>|!=|LIKE' which should match =, <, >, >=, <=, <>, != and LIKE

Now I am sure I missed some, but these should give you some example on how to handle these sort of things. That is one benefit of this method, is that it's pretty strait forward to add a new token in and add some code to handle it. Therefor you can adapt it as the situation warrants.

Because this uses a while loop it should handle any number of column -> value sets.

So this is what I came up with (based on lexical analysis):

//For debugging
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
echo "<pre>";

function parse($subject, $tokens)
$types = array_keys($tokens);
$patterns = [];
$lexer_stream = [];
$result = false;
foreach ($tokens as $k=>$v){
$patterns[] = "(?P<$k>$v)";
$pattern = "/".implode('|', $patterns)."/i";
if (preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $value) {
$match = [];
foreach ($types as $type) {
$match = $matches[$type][$key];
if (is_array($match) && $match[1] != -1) {
$tok = [
'content' => $match[0],
'type' => $type,
'offset' => $match[1]
$lexer_stream[] = $tok;
$result = parseTokens( $lexer_stream );
return $result;
function parseTokens( array &$lexer_stream ){

$column = '';
$params = [];
$sql = '';

while($current = current($lexer_stream)){
$content = $current['content'];
$type = $current['type'];
case 'T_PAREN_OPEN':
case 'T_COMMA':
case 'T_SYMBOL':
$sql .= $content;
case 'T_COLUMN':
$column = $content;
$sql .= $content;
case 'T_NULL':
$column = '';
$sql .= $content;
case 'T_NUMBER':
throw new Exception('Parse error, value without a column name', 2001);

$value = trim($content,"'");

$palceholder = createPlaceholder($column, $value, $params);

$params[$palceholder] = $value;
$sql .= $palceholder;
case 'T_IN':
$sql .= $content;
parseIN($column, $lexer_stream, $sql, $params);
case 'T_EOF': return ['params' => $params, 'sql' => $sql];

case 'T_UNKNOWN':
case '':
$content = htmlentities($content);
throw new Exception("Unknown token $type value $content", 2000);

function createPlaceholder($column, $value, $params){
$placeholder = ":{$column}";

$i = 1;

if($params[$placeholder] == $value){

$placeholder = ":{$column}_{$i}";

return $placeholder;

function parseIN($column, &$lexer_stream, &$sql, &$params){

while($current = current($lexer_stream)){
$content = $current['content'];
$type = $current['type'];
case 'T_COMMA':
$sql .= $content;
case 'T_NUMBER':
throw new Exception('Parse error, value without a column name', 2001);

$value = trim($content,"'");

$palceholder = createPlaceholder($column, $value, $params);

$params[$palceholder] = $value;
$sql .= $palceholder;
$sql .= $content;
case 'T_EOL':
throw new Exception("Unclosed call to IN()", 2003);

case 'T_UNKNOWN':
$content = htmlentities($content);
throw new Exception("Unknown token $type value $content", 2000);
throw new Exception("Unclosed call to IN()", 2003);

* token should be "name" => "regx"
* Order is important
* @var array $tokens
$tokens = [
'T_WHITESPACE' => '[\r\n\s\t]+',
'T_ENCAP_STRING' => '\'.*?(?<!\\\\)\'',
'T_NUMBER' => '\-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?',
'T_COMPARISON' => '=|\<|\>|\>=|\<=|\<\>|!=|LIKE',
'T_IN' => 'IN\s?\(',
'T_COLUMN' => '[a-z_]+',
'T_COMMA' => ',',
'T_PAREN_OPEN' => '\(',
'T_PAREN_CLOSE' => '\)',
'T_SYMBOL' => '[`]',
'T_EOF' => '\Z',
'T_UNKNOWN' => '.+?'

$tests = [
"title = 'home' and description = 'this is just an example'",
"title = 'home' OR title = 'user'",
"id = 1 or title = 'home'",
"title IN('home','user', 'foo', 1, 3)",
"title IS NOT NULL",

/* the loop here is for testing only, obviously call it one time */
foreach ($tests as $test){
echo "\n".str_pad(" $test ", 100, "=", STR_PAD_BOTH)."\n";

This outputs:

[params] => Array
[:title] => home
[:description] => this is just an example

[sql] => title = :title and description = :description

========== title = 'home' and description = 'this is just an example' ==========
[params] => Array
[:title] => home
[:title_1] => user

[sql] => title = :title OR title = :title_1

======================= title = 'home' OR title = 'user' =======================
[params] => Array
[:id] => 1
[:title] => home

[sql] => id = :id or title = :title

=========================== id = 1 or title = 'home' ===========================
[params] => Array
[:title] => home
[:title_1] => user
[:title_2] => foo
[:title_3] => 1
[:title_4] => 3

[sql] => title IN(:title,:title_1, :title_2, :title_3, :title_4)

===================== title IN('home','user', 'foo', 1, 3) =====================
[params] => Array

[sql] => title IS NOT NULL

============================== title IS NOT NULL ===============================

You can test it live here

Hope it works for you!

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