How to Set a Default Attribute Value for a Laravel/Eloquent Model

How to set the default value of an attribute on a Laravel model

You can set Default attribute in Model also>

protected $attributes = [
'status' => self::STATUS_UNCONFIRMED,
'role_id' => self::ROLE_PUBLISHER,

You can find the details in these links

1.) How to set a default attribute value for a Laravel / Eloquent model?


You can also Use Accessors & Mutators for this
You can find the details in the Laravel documentation


3.) Universal accessors and mutators in Laravel 4

How to set a default attribute value for a Laravel / Eloquent model?

This is what I'm doing now:

protected $defaults = array(
'quantity' => 9,

public function __construct(array $attributes = array())
$this->setRawAttributes($this->defaults, true);

I will suggest this as a PR so we don't need to declare this constructor at every Model, and can easily apply by simply declaring the $defaults array in our models...


As pointed by cmfolio, the actual ANSWER is quite simple:

Just override the $attributes property! Like this:

protected $attributes = array(
'quantity' => 9,

The issue was discussed here.

How do you set default attribute values for a custom pivot table?

Turns out this one still hasn't been implemented.
There is a closed proposal for this:

Currently you can only use wherePivot() feature which actually sets default attributes but it's main purpose is filtering, so you still can not set defaults without filtering which is pretty weird as for me.

How to set default attribute values in a laravel 4 model

Accessors are what you are looking for. As the name states Accessors will be called whenever you try to access that certain property on the eloquent model.


class MyModel extends Eloquent {

public function getImageAttribute($value)
return 'default_image.jpg';

return $value;



Just for clarification reasons: When you try to access attributes that do not exist on a class, PHP invokes the __get() magic method (if it does exist), instead of complaining.

Eloquent works exactely the same way. When __call() is invoked (remember, attributes you call on an eloquent model do not really exist) laravel will give you the value of that field from your database. The trick comes in here.

When the __get() method is called on an eloquent model. Eloquent will call it's getAttribute() method which grabs the attribute but checks if an accessor exists beforehand (in laravel source accessors are called get mutators). You can see it here.

If that's the case laravel calls the mutateAttribute() method on the given key. The mutateAttribute() will then eventually call the getXAttribute (source) where X is the name of the attribute being accessed.

That's the whole trick behind the magic that's going, and again shows how well structured laravels source is.

Laravel - Change default value eloquent

Almost; you can change getStatus() to getStatusAttribute(), which is a Laravel Accessor, then simply call:

$payment = Payment::first();
// Or
$payments = Payment::get();
foreach($payments AS $payment){

Instead of outputting 1, 2, etc. this will override the value to 'Waiting for payment', 'In review', etc.

See for full details.

Eloquent use default value if column is null

withDefault works when the relationship is null, not the field values. See Null Object Pattern for more information.

You might be better served by model events, specifically creating for when new IvendiFinanceCalculatorSetting records are inserted.

Then in the model's boot method or an observer class, you can set default setting values:

// IvendiFinanceCalculatorSettingObserver.php example

public function creating (IvendiFinanceCalculatorSetting $setting) {
$setting->setAttribute('column1', 'Default');
$setting->setAttribute('column2', 0);

Another approach is setting the default values directly in the model's attribute property:

* The model's default values for attributes.
* @var array
protected $attributes = [
'column1' => 'Default',
'column2' => 0

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