How to Save Webpage as a Image File Using PHP

Saving image from PHP URL

If you have allow_url_fopen set to true:

$url = '';
$img = '/my/folder/flower.gif';
file_put_contents($img, file_get_contents($url));

Else use cURL:

$ch = curl_init('');
$fp = fopen('/my/folder/flower.gif', 'wb');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

How to save webpage with all styles and images similar to evernote?

Replace linked stylesheets with style blocks containing the CSS copied from the linked stylesheets. Replace image sources with data URLs.

How do you create an image of a web page in PHP?

You should get wkhtmltoimage, which is very easy to utilize from within PHP:

exec("../wkhtmltoimage --crop-w 600 output.png");

There are other options, and instead of --crop-w or --width 600 it might be better to downscale it using GD or imagemagick afterwards.

Save webpage fully (with images, css, etc), better like web archive

I think to write your own, you can use curl and search for external urls, then recursively follow those. There may be a library out there.

Otherwise, you can use exec() in php to run a command-line program. HTTrack does a good job at achiving websites:

So, for example:

exec('httrack "" -O "/tmp/" "+**" -v');

In addition, if you'd like to use wget, I found a set of options that should work (allegedly as I haven't tried it):

wget \
--recursive \
--no-clobber \
--page-requisites \
--html-extension \
--convert-links \
--restrict-file-names=windows \
--domains \
--no-parent \

Save image from url to local System in php

The problem is that the "images" you are using in the file_put_contents is not getting the path that where to save the file. try to make the images folder along with php file which having this code and see its working.

$imageUrl = '';
@$rawImage = file_get_contents($imageUrl);
echo 'Image Saved';
echo 'Error Occured';

Capture the image in background and save in folder in PHP

You can achieve this by using below library.


Wrote the script in PHP and run via terminal to create image in background.

PHP save image file

No need to create a GD resource, as someone else suggested.

$input = '';
$output = '';
file_put_contents($output, file_get_contents($input));

Note: this solution only works if you're setup to allow fopen access to URLs. If the solution above doesn't work, you'll have to use cURL.

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