How to Remove Text Between Tags in PHP

How to remove text between tags in php?

$str = preg_replace('#(<a.*?>).*?(</a>)#', '$1$2', $str)

PHP Regex - Remove text between tags

You can use lazy quantifiers instead.

$s="foo<div>Some content is <b>bold</b>.</div>bar\n";

print preg_replace("/<div>.+?<\/div>/i", "", $s);'



UPDATE per comments:

[ghoti@pc ~]$ cat doit.php 

$text = 'text text text s html tagove
<div id="content"><b> stfu </b> ss adsda sdsa </div>
oshte text s html tagove';

print preg_replace('/<div id="content">.+?<\/div>/im', '', $text) . "\n";

[ghoti@pc ~]$ php doit.php
text text text s html tagove

oshte text s html tagove
[ghoti@pc ~]$

PHP regex - replace all text between a tag

As you're already using the capture groups, why not actually use them.

$link = "<a href='some-dynamic-link'>Text to replace</a>";
$newText = "Replaced!";
$result = preg_replace('/(<a.*?>).*?(<\/a>)/', '$1'.$newText.'$2', $link);

Remove content between HTML tags in PHP?

This solution uses regex. I will let you decide if it is complex or not.

$out = preg_replace("/(?<=^|>).*?(?=<|$)/s", "", $in);

Let's break it down:

  • (?<=^|>): A lookbehind. Not actually matched, but it still has to be there. Matches either beginning of string (^) or literal >.
  • .*?: Matches anything (s modifier makes it include newline). The question mark makes it lazy - it matches as few characters as possible.
  • (?=<|$): A lookahead. Matches either literal < or end of string ($).

This is replaced by nothing (""), so that everything between > and < is deleted. A working demo can be seen here. It does not preserve whitespace, so you end up with one super long line.

EDIT: If you know that your input will always be wrapped in HTML-tags you can make it even simpler for yourself, since you don't have to think about the beginning and end of string bits:

$out = preg_replace("/>.*?</s", "><", $in);

This variant will not work for input with text at the beginning or the end - for instance Hello <b>World</b>! will become Hello<b></b>!.

PHP: Regex replace everything between to strings/HTML tags

The reason you're getting the error is because you've not escaped an opening [ character in your regular expression. Please see the [ I have marked below:

preg_replace('/\<p\>\[quote\]\<\/p\>[\s\S]+?\<p\>[\/quote\]\<\/p\>/', '', $string);

This has resulted in starting a character class that has not been closed. You should simply escape this opening brace like this:

preg_replace('/\<p\>\[quote\]\<\/p\>[\s\S]+?\<p\>\[\/quote\]\<\/p\>/', '', $string);

remove tag but keep string between tag in php

Try this

$content = "
[random] string 1

[random] string 2
[random] string n

$content = str_replace(array("<script>", "</script>"), "", $content);

Since you want to get rid of <script></script> and in the same time keep <script type="text/javascript"></script> and because using regexp to solve this kind of problems is a bad idea then try to use the DOMDocument like this:

$dom = new DOMDocument();

$content = "
[random] string 1

[random] string 2
[random] string n

<script type='text/javascript'>
must keeping script

<script type='text/javascript'>
must keeping script

$scripts = $dom->getElementsByTagName('script');

foreach ($scripts as $script) {
if (!$script->hasAttributes()) {
echo $script->nodeValue . "<br>";

This will output:

[random] string 1

[random] string 2

[random] string n

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