How to JSON_Encode Array with French Accents

How to json_encode array with french accents?

json_encode only wants utf-8. Depending on your character set, you can use iconv or utf8_encode before calling json_encode on your variable. Probably with array_walk_recursive.

As requested, an unfinished way to alter an array, with the assumptions that (1) it doesn't contain objects, and (2) the array keys are in ascii / lower bounds, so can be left as is:

$current_charset = 'ISO-8859-15';//or what it is now
array_walk_recursive($array,function(&$value) use ($current_charset){
$value = iconv('UTF-8//TRANSLIT',$current_charset,$value);


How to JSON encode an array with French accents?

Try this,

json_encode($array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

You should get this result;

"dépendre":"to depend",
"dire":"to say",
"être":"to be (being)"

json_encode won't encode French characters

I managed to figure it out. It's not really the solution I wanted but it works. I had to adjust my query to look like:

CONVERT(CAST(langselect as BINARY) USING latin1) as langselect

json_encode function: special characters

Your input has to be encoded as UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1.

Because if you try to convert an array of non-utf8 characters you'll be getting 0 as return value.

Since 5.5.0 The return value on failure was changed from null string to FALSE.

json_encode arrays with iso-8895 characters

What about something like this?

array_walk_recursive($array, function (&$elem) {
if (is_string($elem)) {
$elem = iconv('ISO-8895', 'UTF-8', $elem);

echo json_encode($array);

Accented letters with PHP: htmlentities and json_encode

You're not specifying which error you are getting in json_encode(), but my suspicion is that your incoming data is not UTF-8 encoded, which will break both the unnecessary htmlentities() call (which you are instructing to expect UTF-8 data) and json_encode() (because that function requires all input data to be UTF-8).

Make sure the data you are encoding is actually UTF-8 encoded. You won't be needing htmlentites() at all then.

You're not saying where the data comes from, but if it's from a database, the connection sometimes needs to be explicitly set to UTF-8. See UTF-8 all the way through

Null php json while econde a query from mySQL with accents

json_encode assumes that the result is encoded in UTF-8, if it is not returned null

first verify that your database server is configured with UTF_8

or add the set_charset before the consultation


Use header to modify the HTTP header, UTF-8 all the way through

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

json with special characters like é

Just like the first anwser

Do you use a database? If Yes, make sure the database table is declared UFT8
How is declared the HTML page? UTF-8
IS the string in the PHP script file? If yes, make sure the file has a UTF-8 file format

You could also use utf8_encode (to send to HTML) and utf8_decode (to receive) but not the right way

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