How to Get Protected Property of Object in PHP

How to get protected property of object in PHP

That's what "protected" is meant for, as the Visibility chapter explains:

Members declared protected can be accessed only within the class itself and by inherited and parent classes.

If you need to access the property from outside, pick one:

  • Don't declare it as protected, make it public instead
  • Write a couple of functions to get and set the value (getters and setters)

If you don't want to modify the original class (because it's a third-party library you don't want to mess) create a custom class that extends the original one:

class MyFields_Form_Element_Location extends Fields_Form_Element_Location{

... and add your getter/setter there.

How to get protected property value of object in PHP


Members declared protected can be accessed only within the class
itself and by inheriting classes.

If you need to access the property from outside, pick one:
•Don't declare it as protected, make it public instead
•Write a couple of functions to get and set the value (getters and setters)

If you don't want to modify the original class (because it's a
third-party library you don't want to mess) create a custom class that
extends the original one:

class My_Google_Service_Calender_Event extends Google_Service_Calendar_Event {

PHP: How can I get protected values of an object?

the answer to my question is:

echo $response->Item->Country;

Thank You.

Read data from protected object in PHP

I agree with you, the documentation is not too clear about that.
If you look at the source, you can see that the class MPAPI\Entity\DeliveryMethod has this method which returns the data as an array :

* @see \MPAPI\Entity\AbstractEntity::getData()
public function getData()
return [
self::KEY_ID => $this->getId(),
self::KEY_TITLE => $this->getTitle(),
self::KEY_PRICE => $this->getPrice(),
self::KEY_COD_PRICE => $this->getCodPrice(),
self::KEY_FREE_LIMIT => $this->getFreeLimit(),
self::KEY_DELIVERY_DELAY => $this->getDeliveryDelay(),
self::KEY_PICKUP_POINT => $this->isPickupPoint()

So, you would do something like this

$methodList = $deliveryMethods->get();
foreach ($methodList as $method) {
$methodData = $method->getData();
// OR
$methodTitle = $method->getTitle()
// ...

How can I access a protected property of a Model located in a package (vendor folders)

To access a class property that is marked as protected you need to extend that class. Note that if that class is marked as final, you won't be able to do it.


class Parent {

protected $property;


class Child extends Parent {

public function getProperty()
return $this->property;


PHP accessing protected key in object returns empty

Protected properties cannot be accessed from outside of the object's internal context, much like private properties. What differentiates protected and private properties, however, is that an extending object may view the parent's protected properties, but not the private properties.

If you must access the protected properties directly for whatever reason, then extend the target object and provide a getter method:

class MyExtendingClass extends WC_Product_Simple {
public function getData() {
return $this->data;

With that being said, the class WC_Product_Simple should already extend a parent object that exposes a get_data() method. This may be what you're looking for. In that case, simply execute the following instead:

$data = $package['contents']['abc123']['data']->get_data();

Get string within protected object

If you - or the writer of the class - want other people to have access to a protected or private property, you need to provide that via a getter method in the class itself.

So in the class:

public function getData()
return $this->_data;

And in your program:


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