How to Echo a MySQLi Prepared Statement

How to echo a MySQLi prepared statement?

I don't think you can - at least not in the way that you were hoping for. You would either have to build the query string yourself and execute it (ie without using a statement), or seek out or create a wrapper that supports that functionality. The one I use is Zend_Db, and this is how I would do it:

$id = 5;
$baz = 'shazam';
$select = $db->select()->from('bar','foo')
->where('id = ?', $id)
->where('baz = ?', $baz); // Zend_Db_Select will properly quote stuff for you
print_r($select->__toString()); // prints SELECT `bar`.`foo` FROM `bar` WHERE (id = 5) AND (baz = 'shazam')

How do I display/echo the data from an executed mysqli prepared statement

add those rules after the execute.

$res = $query->get_result();
$row = $res->fetch_assoc();

and after that you can do what ur used to do with it, with the old way.

How to display results from mysqli prepared statement?

You have a couple of issues. The first is that you are binding 6 results, but your query only returns 4. The second is that mysqli_stmt::fetch simply returns a boolean indicating success/fail since all result data is fetched into the bound result parameters. For your query as is, you need to do something like:

$query->bind_result($first_name, $last_name, $phone, $email);
while ($query->fetch()) {
echo $first_name, $last_name, $phone, $email;


  1. Since you are using a parameterised query, you don't need to use escape_string on your inputs.
  2. It's more efficient to add the % to either side of the parameter once in PHP (i.e. $keywords = "%$keywords%";) and just use LIKE ? rather than 5 instances of LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%') in your query.

Converting to Prepared Statements - How to echo results of the query

You have to think of storing columns one by one like this:


$stmt->bind_result($col1, $col2);

or use code from this answer, which gives you an array of all columns without specyfing each other.

php mysqli prepared statement: can't echo, print or get anything from var_dump AFTER execute command

Ok problem solved. My real server didn't support mysqlnd so can't use get_result(). Thanks for the help guys!

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